
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 8/6

On August 6 the Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration when Jesus hiked to the top of Mount Tabor with his friends, Peter, James and John.  On the mountain top, Jesus was transfigured before their eyes and they had a glimpse of the glory of Christ the Lord. 

We're not in Israel, Lord, 
and Mount Tabor is no where in sight
- so where might you take me today, Lord,
to give me a glimpse of your glory?

Will you walk me around my neighborhood
and let your light shine on the place where I live,
on my home, my neighbors, my town?

Will you sit with me on my porch,
on my doorstep or in my backyard,
with the glow of your grace warming my heart?

Will you find us a quiet corner
and spend some time with me there,
the light of your face chasing shadows away?

Will we go for a ride to the woods or a field,
to the shore or a nearby mountain
where nature's shot through with your luster?

Will I just close my eyes and open my heart
in a moment of prayer and reflection
while your radiance transfigures my soul? 

No, we're not in Israel, Lord, 
and Mount Tabor is no where in sight
- so where might you take me today, Lord,
to give me a glimpse of your glory?

While the feast of the Transfiguration is celebrated each year on August 6, the gospel recounting the event is proclaimed every year on the Second Sunday of Lent.  Bob Hurd's song here nods to both days on the calendar.
Transfigure Us by Bob Hurd
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Transfigure us, O Lord
Transfigure us, O Lord.
Break the chains that bind us;
Speak your healing word, and
Where you lead we’ll follow.
Transfigure Us, O Lord

Down from heights of glory, Into the depths below.
The love of God self emptied, The love of God to show.
You light the path before us, The way that we must go.

Light for those in darkness, The hungry have their fill,
Glad tidings for the humble, The healing of all ills;
In these we glimpse your glory, God’s promises fulfilled

To the holy city, Jerusalem, you go;
Your face set toward the ending
The cross to be your throne
Shall we journey with you and share your paschal road?




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