
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 8/8

Pilgrim... That is a beautiful word and one well worth reflecting on.  To be a pilgrim literally means to put aside our daily routine and to set out on a different path, moving away from our comfort zone towards a new horizon of meaning.  The notion of "pilgrimage" nicely describes our human condition for, like pilgrims, we find ourselves facing great questions that have no immediate answers, but challenge us to continue the journey, to rise about ourselves and to press beyond the here and now.
(Pope Francis meeting with university students at World Youth Day)
Lord, I may not be free
    to put aside my daily routine
        and set out on a different path
but I can be free,
    to change the routine of mind and heart
        and follow more closely the path you walk...

I don't need to head to some far off place,
    I just need to leave my comfort zone
        and open myself to new horizons...
In a backpack I carry my questions, Lord,
    and I pray, on the way, 
        for your wisdom to lead and guide me...

I've been a pilgrim for all of my life
    and a pilgrim's way is still my lot
        'til the day I'm finally home with you...

So, walk with me, Lord, stay close by my side
    and help me press on, day by day,
        on this path of my heart's desire...




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