
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 9/22

You meet me where I am, Lord:
    not in my past
        - I am no longer there,
    not in my future
        - where I've yet to arrive,
    but always and only in the moment
        - where I am...

You meet me where I am, Lord:
    not where I used to be,
    not where I ought to be,
    not where I should be,
    not where I'm supposed to be,
    not where I want to be,
    not where I hope to be,
    not where I wish I were,
    not where I pray to be,
    not where you call me to be...
No, Lord, 
    you meet me 
    in the moment at hand,
    just exactly and precisely 
    where I am...

You meet me where I am, Lord:
    in my flesh and blood and bone,
    in my present situation,
    in my current circumstances, 
    in whatever joys or sorrows
        may be mine this night...
You meet me where I am, Lord:
    in my chaos and confusion,
    in my fear and my anxiety,
    in my doubts and my distractions...
You meet me where I am, Lord,
    in my dreaming and my scheming,
    in my thoughts and speculation,
    in my hopes and in my prayers...
You meet me where I am, Lord:
    and one-on-one,
    right on time 
    with no delay...
You meet me where I am, Lord,
    you've been waiting for me
    to come to my senses 
    and wake to your presence...
You meet me where I am, Lord:
    you throw your arms around me,
    you welcome me with gladness,
    - I'm the prodigal come home...

You meet me where I am, Lord,
    with no scolding or chastising,
    no listing of my faults and sins,
    no finger-pointing guilt trip...
You meet me where I am
    and in your light I see my need, Lord,
    for the mercy and forgiveness
    you shower on my soul...
You meet me where I am
    and in the moment of our meeting 
    I find what I had lost:
    your wisdom, truth and grace...

You meet me where I am, Lord,
    and you love the one you meet:
    you greet me with your kindness,
    your compassion and your mercy...

You meet me where I am, Lord,
    your warm welcome is disarming:
    I'm embraced by your sweet mercy,
    recreated by your love...

You meet me where I am
    and in our meeting, Lord, I find you:
    where I am, 
    as I am, 
    right now
    - where you will always be...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    keep vigil while I sleep
that awake, I keep the watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


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Meet Me Here by Ali Matthews

At the breaking of the dawn's early light
or when the sun is sinking or in the middle of the night
my heart is fading from the tireless fight
I cry out, I cry out

You bear the name high above every name
You gave it all away just to carry my shame
From age to age Lord your love will remain
I cry out, I cry out
And I know you will come 
Yes I know you will come
And meet me here, you will meet me here
You follow my soul wherever I go
You will meet me here

You are watching if a sparrow should fall
You know my longings, no matter how small
You are my Father and you will hear when I call
So I cry out, I cry out

Your loving kindness is more precious than gold
Your mercy finds us and your promise unfolds
I see you shine now. I'm coming out of the cold
and I cry out, I cry out
And I know you will come Yes I know you will come
To meet me here, you will meet me here
God you are faithful, faithful and able
So meet me here, you will meet me here
Follow my soul wherever I go
You will meet me

I've made, oh I've made some big mistakes
and I fall, ya I fall so far from grace
Still You, You come right to the place where I am 
Just as I am

You will meet me here, oh, meet me here
Follow my soul, wherever I go,
you will meet me here
you will meet me here

God you are faithful, you are able
So meet me here, oh, meet me here
You follow my soul wherever I go
You will meet me here




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