
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 9/29

September 29 is the Feast of the Archangels: 

 Lord: I could use a few angels!

Angels, Lord!   I need angels
    to watch and keep vigil both night and day,
    to guide me safely along the right path,
    to guard and protect me wherever I go...
Lord, send me some angels:
   angels of courage for when I'm afraid,
   angels of wisdom for when I'm confused,
   angels of strength for when I am weak...
Send me a flight of angels, Lord,
   with the gift of right judgment to guide my discernment,
   wonder and awe to lift me in prayer
   and power to lead me to seek what is true...

Send me angels, Lord,
   with a spirit of reverence to humble my pride,
   kindness disposing my heart to serve others
   and gentleness shaping my words and my deeds...

Send me angels, Lord,
   with peace  for when anger troubles my spirit,
   joy for when sorrows flood my soul,
   and love for when selfishness closes my heart...

Send an army of angels to help me, Lord,
   to help me stay faithful whenever I'm tempted,
   persevere with courage when the going gets tough
   and to keep me pure when I'd settle for less...
Open my heart to your angels, Lord:
    the angels you send to visit each day,
    the angels you station along my path,
    the angels whose comfort is grace and gift...

Open my heart to family and friends,
   to neighbors and colleagues and strangers, too
who lift my spirits and fill me with peace,
    who serve me as angels, sent with your love...
I welcome the angels who visit my soul,
    who sustain all my hopes, my plans and my dreams;
who prompt me to praise your most holy name,
    who nudge me to lift up my heart in prayer...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake,
    send angels to guard me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, find rest in your peace... 

All Night, All Day arranged by Ken Berg
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All night, all day,
angels watchin’ over me, my Lord.
All night, all day,
angels watchin’ over me.    (repeat)
When I lay me down to sleep,
angels watchin’ over me, my Lord.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
angels watchin’ over me.
I pray his blessing on the land that I love
angels watchin’ over me, my Lord
the earth and the sea and the sky up above
angels watchin’ over me. 
Every morning when I rise
angels watchin’ over me, my Lord,
I thank my Lord for His gift of life
angels watchin’ over me.
I thank him for my lovin’ family and friends,
angels watchin’ over me, my Lord
I thank him daily for his love without end
angels watchin’ over me.
All night, angels watchin’
All day, angels watchin’
All times hear me sing
about the holy angels always watchin’ over me.
I’m singin’ about the angels watchin’ over me
still singin’ about the angels watchin’ over me,
my Lord!





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