
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 9/11

The night of September 11 seems a fit time
    to pray for God's peace in our world and our hearts...

We pray for peace in the world, Lord,
    the world you created, the world you gave us,
        the world you entrusted to our care... ..

We pray for an end to the scourge of war,
    to terrorism, violence and bloodshed
        and to all the ways we fail to love our neighbor...
We pray for those who have died in war,
    especially those who died in their youth
        and for all those who grieve their loss... 
We pray for the safety of those in harm's way,
    far from home, their families and friends
        and we pray for their safe return...

We pray for all the innocent poor
    who suffer most keenly the hardship of war,
        victims of battles that others wage...
We pray for our enemies, too, O Lord,
    turn their hearts and ours to thoughts of peace
        and freedom for all your people...
We pray for peace at our borders
    and at borders around the world:
        tear down the walls we build in our hearts...

We pray for peace among all your people,
     we are brothers and sisters all,
        no matter our race, color or creed...
We pray for peace in our cities, Lord,
    for an end to violence ruling our streets
        and the plague of deadly arms...

We pray for peace in our government
    and for truth and wisdom to guide the way
        in our politics, left and right...
We pray for peace in our broken Church,
    for the healing of those who have been abused,
        for your Spirit to cleanse and mend us all...

We pray for a peaceful coming together
     of all who profess a faith and belief
        in your power, divine and holy...

We pray for peace in our relationships, Lord:
    with those whom we make our enemies
        and those who make foes of us...

We pray for peace in those hidden places,
    where we're often at war with ourselves,
        in our minds, our thoughts and our hearts...

We pray for peace, for healing and wholeness
    for all who live with depression,
        with anxiety, worry and fear...

We pray for peace in those places, Lord,
    where only you can understand
        how deep is our need for your presence...

We pray for that peace we can't make ourselves,
    the peace, Lord, that comes from you alone,
        the peace of your mercy and grace...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's music is a simple, haunting setting
    of Jesus' words to us, his friends...

Peace I Leave With You by David Dahl

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!
Peace I leave with you, 
Peace I give you
Go now in peace to serve




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