
RE-POSTING: Night Prayer for 9/1

As I noted in another place, there have been glitches/problems with the Blogger platform on which I publish.  This post seems to have disappeared so I'm re-posting!
I wrote this prayer eight years ago and have revised it several times. I'm posting yet another version tonight because I know that so many folks in our virtual chapel are struggling through a rough patch,dealing with very difficult life experiences - and finding it hard to pray.   And if that's not you tonight, please pray for those who do find themselves in these words...

Just to pause in your presence
    in a moment of silence:
         this is my prayer tonight, Lord...
Just to sit in the dark
     and ask where you are:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To rest in the quiet
    and hope you are near:
          this is my prayer tonight...
To sit in the stillness,
    and ponder your mystery:
    this is my prayer tonight...
To wait for you, Lord,
     as I waited all day:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To sit with my questions,
     my doubts and my faith:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To take a deep breath
     and hope for your peace:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To search in my heart  
     for the pulse of your love:
        this is my prayer tonight...
To close my eyes tight,
    just to hold back the tears:
        this is my prayer tonight...
To gaze at the Cross
     and remember, "I'm loved"
         - this is my prayer tonight... 
To open my heart
    just to empty it out:
        this is my prayer tonight...

To open myself
    and then wait to be filled:
        this is my prayer tonight...

To mumble, humbly,
     my jumble of thoughts:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To trust and to hope, Lord,
     that all shall be well:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To seek and find joy
     in the heart of my sorrow:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To cry from my depths,
     from my loss and my grief:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To hear only the silence
     and speak not a word:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To trust that my silence
     is your language, too:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To strain just  to hear
     but one word from you:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To hear in the quiet
     a whisper of grace:
         this is my prayer tonight...
To remember past blessings
     and ask you for more:
         this is my prayer tonight…
To trust once again, Lord,
    that all shall be well:
         this is my prayer tonight…
To believe beyond doubt
     that I’m held in your hand: 
           this is my prayer tonight…
To surrender to you
     all my worries and fears:
         this is my prayer tonight…
To lay bare my life
     to the mystery you are:
         this is my prayer tonight…
To open my lips
     to speak but your name:
         this is my prayer tonight...
All this is my prayer, Lord,
    this is my prayer tonight…
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
 that awake, I might keep watch with you
     and asleep, rest in your peace...


O Lord, Hear My Prayer by Taize
    sung by The Sunday 7 PMChoir 

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