
Re-posting today's Pause for Prayer

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WHY I'M RE-POSTING...  It seems that some of my subscribers received only the graphic but not the prayer in this morning's mail - I hope this fixes that glitch!
Iwrote this prayer 10 years ago and have published several versions of it since then.  I'm bringing it back today because I know a number of folks who feel overwhelmed, submerged in their problems.  As I've noted several times in the last week - if this isn't how you feel today, please pray for those who will find themselves in these words...
Lord, sometimes I feel like I'm drowning:
    drowning in my work and responsibilities,
        in my fears and anxiety,
            in my worries, doubts and troubles…
    drowning in my loss, my loneliness and grief,
        in my self and in my passions,
            in my confusion and my foolishness…
    drowning in my failures and sins,
        in my hopelessness and sorrow...

When I feel like I'm drowning, Lord...
    remind me that you're always there:
        that you see me in the depths,
        that you reach down and take my hand
    to draw me up and out
        until I break the surface
    and your Spirit breathes in me
        until I breathe again in hope
            to live another day...

Remind me, Lord, 
    that you walk on my life's waters
        and you will not let me perish:
    that you rescue me and pull me
        from the depths where I am sinking,
    that you save me from myself...

Remind me, Lord, that you'll never forget me,
    never abandon me,
    never let me slip beyond your grasp
that your hand will hold me fast
    and pull me free of danger
'til I rest, secure and safe, 
    in you, my Lord, my Savior...








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