
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 10/20

Just as you can read, study, muse and pray over a scripture text, so you can approach a work of art as a subject for prayer.  You don't have to be a museum goer or an art historian to pray this way. You only need some time, some art, a prayerful curiosity and a desire to discover what the Lord wants to share with you through a sacred image. I have two copies of the icon below, one in my prayer room in Wayland and one in my bedroom in Georgetown, CO.  The last supper, where John reclined next to Jesus and leaned on his chest, is the scripture reference for this image.  In tonight's prayer, I've provided a place for your own reflections on this warm depiction of Jesus and his friend...
    Christ and Saint John



I want to be close to you, Lord,
    closer than I've ever been,
        close enough to lean on you
            and put my arm around you...
I want to be close to you, Lord,
    close enough to hear you speak,
        close enough to hear you whisper
            any word you have for me...

I want to be close to you, Lord,  
    close enough hear your heartbeat,
        close enough to hear you breathe
            in the silence of my prayer...

I want to be close to you, Lord,
    close enough to share with you
        the secrets of my heart
            and the mysteries of my soul...

I want to be close to you, Lord,
    close enough to trust
        that it's your sincere desire
            to be just as close to me...

Take a few moments to pray with the icon and ask,
    "If I were in John's place,
        my head on the Lord's chest
            and my arm around his back,
    what would I want to say to Jesus?
    what would I want to hear him say to me?
    what would it be like to feel the warmth of his presence
        and hear my heart beat as one with his?"

I want to be close to you, Lord,
    closer than I've ever been,
        close enough to lean on you
            and put my arm around you...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Resting in the Arms of Jesus by Joe King

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!
Never have I felt this way before
Resting in the arms of Jesus
Nowhere else do I feel so secure
Resting in the arms of Jesus

Here there is a calm so deep
More than tongue could ever speak
Where I can for just a while
Let myself become a child 
All to come and all that’s been
Fades away like figures in a dream
Here in your arms

This is where I look love in the face
Resting in the arms of Jesus
Now I know that heaven is a place
Resting in the arms of Jesus 

As I watch the slow, departing day
Resting in the arms of Jesus
I can feel my worries melt away
Resting in the arms of Jesus 

As I watch the slow, departing day
Resting in the arms of Jesus
I can feel my worries melt away
Resting in the arms of Jesus       





  1. I love praying your articles in NJ

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your love😊


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!