
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 10/20

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Saw this t-shirt online, Lord.
No, I didn't order one
and no, I wouldn't wear one
    - for a lot of reasons - 
but most importantly
    - because you do understand me -
fully, totally, completely and inside out
    - you understand me...

You get me!
You know what makes me tick.
You know why I do what I do
    and why I fail to do what I don't do.
And you know all the things I really want to do
    - but never get around to...
You know my strengths and my weaknesses
    and you know why I'm strong in some things
    and so very weak in others...
You know all the things and all the people who,
for weal or for woe
    - helped make me who I am...

There's nothing you don't know about me
    - the good, the bad and the ugly -
but you understand me, Lord,
and more importantly -
    - you love me for who I am...
You understand I'm still a work in progress
    and so you give me a break,
    you cut me some slack,
    give me a second chance 
        (and a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th and more),
    you wash my slate clean, again and again
    and you forgive in me 
        what others don't understand
and most of all, Lord
    - you love me for who I am...

So thank you, Lord,
thank you for understanding
    and forgiving and redeeming
    and mending and healing
    and loving and growing the person
        - you understand me to be...





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