
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 10/28

Something in the fallen leaves, Lord...

Something in the fallen leaves
calls me from the path I'm on
to wade and splash, dryshod,
through the shallow lake they spread
across the lawn in my backyard
and in the parking lot
just beside the church...

Something in the fallen leaves, Lord...
I love the way 
that they make way
for me to pass 
where they have passed
and sighed their last farewell 
to summer's longer days
and to the shade they gave
in groves they made 
for me to rest and pray...

Something in the fallen leaves, Lord...
I love the swoosh, the crunch, the scrunch,
the brittle dirge the dry leaves chant
while laying down their life for me:
their bittersweet surrender,
their letting go that I might know
this simple autumn joy...

Something in the fallen leaves, Lord...
Perhaps it's just the memory
of years gone by 
and piles of leaves,
raked in heaps 
where I could leap and glory 
in their rustling sounds:
whispered psalms and promises
of wintertime and falling snow 
and Christmas peace to come...
Yes, something in the fallen leaves, Lord,
echoes in my soul:
your gift each year, your blessing,
in the fallen leaves, 
your grace...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
For musical reflection tonight there are two options, 
both instrumental, the first with a visual component.

If widgets don't appear below, click here!
Autumn Pathways by Tim Janis

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!


Faded Leaves Fall by Gabriel Olafs





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