
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 10/29

I'm praying today, Lord,
for all the people who will wake up in Ukraine and ask, 
    How long, O Lord? 
        How long before we lay down our arms and find peace?
And I'm praying this morning, Lord,
for all the  Jews, Muslims and Christians in Israel, in Gaza,
who will rise this morning and pray,
   How long, O Lord? 
        How long before we lay down our arms and find peace?

And I'm praying today, Lord,
for all the people in Lewiston and across America
who go out to shop, to play, to work, to pray and wonder,
    How long, O Lord
        How long before we lay down our arms and find peace?
And I'm praying this morning, Lord,
for all the people in all the places
who wake this morning in war and terror and plead,
    How long, O Lord,
        How long before we lay down or arms and find peace?
How long, O Lord?
I believe that the answer is up to us.
I believe that armed with your grace and your mercy
    we can come to the day 
        when we lay down the arms of war and find peace...
But without your mercy and grace, Lord,
    we'll still be at war with each other
 for until we surrender to your wisdom and word
        our pride and our greed will rule us...

How long, O Lord?
    Let us name the hour...
How long, O Lord,
    Let us name the place...

How long, O Lord?
    Let us settle the terms
        of compromise, détente, 
            disarmament and peace...

Q. How long, O Lord?  How long?
A. 'Til you lay down your arms and make peace...




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