
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 10/12

We're praying for peace, Lord,
and because you see our whole world in a glance 
you know the global geography of our prayer...
But your global view sees no boundaries,
    you see just the earth you created
and your children, Lord, all of them,
    those who are living here,
    those who are homeless and starving here, 
    those who are at war here
    and those who are dying here
because we've failed to heed your command
    that we love one another as we love ourselves,
    that we love one another as you love us all...

Forgive us, Lord,
and cleanse our hearts of hate and greed,
move our hearts to thoughts of peace,
empower our hands to generously share
  the bounty held by some of us
    while others die of famine...

Help us see the world as you do, Lord:
    one place, one home for everyone
    one earth entrusted to our care
and we one people, all your own,
    brothers, sisters called to live
        in justice and in peace...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song, from the psalms, prays for the peace of
Jerusalem but as Jerusalem is the city of the Lord, when
we pray for her we pray for the world...
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem by Herbert Howells,

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O pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls
and plenteousness within thy palaces.
- Psalm 122:6




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