
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 10/31

Children are out in droves tonight, Lord,
   going door to door, in search of sweets
and we, all your children, knock on your door,
    seeking the treats that are yours to give...
Treat us with mercy, O Lord, we pray
    and pardon our sins and failings
        to give us a new beginning... 

Treat us with wisdom, the wisdom we need,
    to seek and make peace
        all around the world...
Treat us with grace, Lord,
    with tender compassion,
        and heal what's wounded within us...

Treat us with kindness and teach us how 
    to be honest and fair 
        in the judgments we make...

Treat us with patience
    and help us to see
        the burdens our neighbors carry...
Treat us with generous, prodigal love
    and teach us to love, Lord,
        as you love us...
No tricks in our prayer, Lord,
    we come empty handed,
        begging you fill us with all we need...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

I couldn't find a Trick-or-Treat-Hymn - but I did come across this song about how Jesus
has cared for us, "treated" us - and I hope it leads you to prayer...
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus by Steffany Gretzinger

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