
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 10/31

It's Halloween!
Time to ponder the costumes we don the rest of the year
when we dress and outfit ourselves
    to be someone or something we're not
    - or to hide the persons we are...

Some of our costumes hang in our closets,
our day-to-day clothing, worn
    to make ourselves more attractive,
    to conceal or highlight the shape we're in, 
    to show how we're up with the times
    or to distance ourselves from trends and fads...

But you, Lord, care little 
    for style, couture, color and cut, 
    old or new, hot or not,
    designer label or off the rack...
You look instead to our hearts
and are pleased to find them naked:
    exposed to your gentle, healing touch,
    laid bare and open for you to swaddle
    in kindness, compassion and love...

As St. Paul reminds us:
    Clothe ourselves in heartfelt mercy:
        put on  the garments of gentleness,
            of humility and patience...
Strip me of all my pretense, Lord, 
    my desire to be who I'm not;
make me content to be and become
    the person you made in your image...

Clothe me in peace and outfit me, Lord,
    for the work that's mine to do;
robe my heart in a garment of love
    and garb me in grace and peace...
(This song and the text above come from Colossians 3:12-17)
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Because You Are Chosen by John Michael Talbot

Because you are chosen 
Called to be holy 
Because you are the Lord’s beloved  
You must clothe yourself with kindness  
With heartfelt mercy 
In the meekness of humility  
So bear you now with one another  
And forgive as the Lord’s forgiven you
Over all these virtues
Bind them all together
In the Love of our Lord Jesus
Over all these virtues
Bind them all together
In the Love of our Lord Jesus
Over all these virtues
Bind them all together
In the Love of our Lord Jesus




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