
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 10/26

They're all around me, Lord!
They're everywhere!

Good people, fine people: all around me:
    folks who care for others, selflessly,
    with not a hint of complaint
    or expectation of reward...

So many good people, Lord:
    folks who work behind the scenes, 
    doing the tasks that others won't,
    finding their greatest joy in giving...

Good people, Lord:
    busy loving their own
    but always ready to take the time
    to reach out and care for others...

Generous people
    whose presence is gift
    and who make a difference
    wherever they go...

All around me, Lord
    - they're everywhere -
I'm grateful just to know them
    for who they are and all they do...

So, open my heart today, Lord
    and help me to be a helper;
 open my eyes to those in need
     and make me a cheerful giver...
They're all around me, Lord
    - they're everywhere -
and for this I give you 
    thanks and praise!





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