
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 11/22

Tonight, Lord, Thanksgiving Eve, 
I'm grateful for the gift of faith:
    that strength, power and source within
    showing me the way,
    guiding me in the dark,
    making sure my faltering step,
    giving light to find the truth
    and hope for living gracefully
    through all my trials and troubles..
Tonight, Lord, I'm grateful for the gift of your Church:
    that wounded, rag-tag, joyful company 
        of saints and sinners, one and all,
    whose faith is strength, binding us together,
    brothers, sisters - family-  together one in you...
Tonight, I'm grateful for the people in my life:
    who've helped me become the person I am;
    who've loved me in ways too many to know;
    who've loved me when I've failed to love in return;
    who've pardoned me often with mercy and grace;
    who've shared their joy and filled me with peace;
    who've helped me trust and not to doubt
    that you're by my side and that all shall be well...
Tonight, Lord, I'm grateful for the mystery of your presence:
    in everyone I know and meet;
    in the simple joys of ordinary days;
    and in the stillness of the time I spend
        along with you in prayer...
And on this Thanksgiving Eve, Lord, I'm grateful for...
    (take some time right now to tell the Lord 
     what you're most grateful for this evening...)*

Tonight I praise and thank you
for you're my Lord and God
from whom all blessings flow...

Protect me, Lord while I'm awake,
watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
* Tonight's music is instrumental, meant to provide
a some background for the time you spend naming the
people and the gifts you're grateful for in your life...

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Song at the End of the Day by Secret Garden




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