
'Tis the night before the Night Before!

It's the penultimate day of Advent:
    the eve of Christmas Eve!
    the night before the Night Before!
Some might think or pray, Lord,
    as if you'll be "born" on Monday 12/25
but you broke into human history
    over 2,000 years ago
when your Father spoke his love
    with such power, love and grace
that his Word became flesh
    and you, Lord, dwelt among us...

And you've come every day 
    and you've come every night,
you've come in every hour
    and you've come in every season
since first the angels sang your glory
    and shepherds came to look, to gawk,
        to wonder what your birth might mean...

You came into my life yesterday, Lord:
    did I see you or miss you?
You'll speak to me today, Lord:
    will I be listening - or just too busy?
You'll come into my life
    on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
        will I be lost in opening gifts?
        will I be grieving what I've lost?
        will I be over-eating, over-drinking?
        will I be consumed by unimportant details?
        will I be wasting time and energy?
    or will I meet you and find your grace again
        as I've done so many times before...

Come, Lord Jesus, come into my life
    as you did yesterday, as you did today
        and as you will in every day to come...
Come, Lord Jesus, come
    and heal my heart with mercy, grace and peace...

Here's a simple but exquisite setting and performance 
   of a beautiful Advent hymn...
(The background video is also beautiful!) 
Creator of the Stars of Night
    9th century hymn performed by St. John Compline Choir

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!





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