
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 12/23

At sundown today we begin to celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent: Because Christmas falls on Monday this year, so our fourth "week" of Advent will last only 24 hours!

Last week we prayed for joy, this week we pray for perseverance...  If you have an Advent Wreath at home, pray for perseverance as you light the fourth candle each day.  If you don't have an Advent Wreath - light any candle and pray for perseverance.  If you have no candle, use the virtual candles above and pray for the grace of perseverance...

In the dark of night,
   Lord, help me persevere...

In the dead of winter,
   Lord, help me persevere...

In the heat of the day, 
   Lord, help me persevere...
In confused and troubling times,
    Lord, help me persevere... 

When I just don't have a clue, 
    Lord, help me persevere...

On the uphill side of everything,
   Lord, help me persevere...
When opinion outweighs truth,
    Lord, help me persevere... 

In good times and in bad,
    Lord, help me persevere...

When all odds are against me, 
   Lord, help me persevere...

When others have abandoned me,
   Lord, help me persevere...
When nothing seems to work,
    Lord, help me persevere...
When I'm overcome by grief,
    Lord, help me persevere...

When I just don't know the way,
   Lord, help me persevere...
As I wait for things to settle down,
    Lord, help me persevere...

When I cannot find your face,
   Lord, help me persevere...
When no one seems to understand,
    Lord, help me persevere... 
In sickness and in health,
    Lord, help me persevere...

When I can't find words for prayer,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When the news gets worse each day,
   Lord, help me persevere....

When my burdens seem too heavy,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I fear that you've forgotten me,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I suffer for your holy name,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I hunger for your word of truth,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I thirst for peace and joy,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I don't know where to turn,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When hope unravels and dissolves,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When I'm ready to give up,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When my faith is wearing thin,
   Lord, help me persevere...

When one more step seems just too much,
   Lord, help me persevere...
When I've forgotten why I persevere
    - Lord, help me persevere...

When I wish Christmas was all done,
   Lord, help me persevere... 
When a new year can't come quick enough,
    Lord, help me persevere... 

On my good days and my bad days,
     Lord, help me persevere...

Send your Holy Spirit, Lord:
    to strengthen my resolve,
    to give me new, firm purpose, 
    to deepen my fidelity,
    to point me towards the truth,
    to open wide my eyes,
    to shine upon my path, 
    to teach me how to trust,
    to help me hope again
    and to help me persevere, Lord,
    to help me persevere...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
 Jesus My Strength by Paul Turner
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