
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 12/18

For the patience of time as it heals my wounds,
for the patience of tears gently bathing my pain,
for the patience of mercy forgiving my sins,

for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God...

For the patience of growth as I drag my feet,
for the patience of progress while I'm wasting time,

for the patience of hope that keeps and sustains me,
for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God...

For the patience of dawn on the watch for my rising
for the patience of night 'til I call it a day,
for the patience of sleep to rest and refresh me,

for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God...  

For the patience of those who suffer my faults,
for the patience of all who wait for my care,
for the patience of any I've hurt or offended,

for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God...
For the patience of friends who bear with my nonsense,
for the patience of those with whom I'm quick tempered,
for the patience of those who forgive and forget,
for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God...

For your patience with me when I put off my prayer,
for the patience you keep as you wait for my love,
for the gift of your grace ever patient with me,

for such patience I pray 
and I thank you, my God... 
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

They say patience is a virtue and so it is - and certainly at this time of the year!  If the holiday season (or life in general) is trying your patience then this song, based on this Advent scripture, might be just the blessing you need...

Patience, People  by John Foley, SJ

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Patience, people, till the Lord is come.

See the farmer await the yield of the soil.
He watches it in winter and in spring rain.

Patience, people, for the Lord is coming. 

Patience, people, till the Lord is come.

You have seen the purpose of the Lord.
You know of his compassion and his mercy.

Patience, people, for the Lord is coming. 

Patience, people, till the Lord is come.

Steady your hearts for the Lord is close at hand.
And do not grumble, one against the other.

Patience, people, for the Lord is coming.




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