
Pause for Prayer: MONDAY 12/18

Image: George Mendoza

Keep in mind that Advent prepares us:
    to celebrate Christmas next Monday
and for Christ's coming again 
    at the end of our lives
    and at last, at the end of time... 

Good morning, good God!

Well, Lord, just one week left, 
7 days to shop, spend, wrap, decorate,
bake, send cards, clean the house, 
eat, drink, travel, visit, and party:
a week of busyness and distractions,
social demands and expectations...

But rather than 7 days left to shop
I offer this week as 7 days left to stop
    and find a quiet place
        (by the creche or the tree?)
    to rest in your presence,
    to take some deep breaths,
    to share with you all my sorrows and joys,
    to ponder your mystery,
    to bask in your mercy,
    to read the story of your holy birth 
    and prepare in myself a place for you
    to come at Christmas 
    and every day...
And when my days on earth are done
    I pray you'll come, O Prince of Peace,
    to take me to the place you've prepared
    for me, for us all, from before all time,
    for ever and ever...


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