
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 12/12

In this hurried, harried, holy season, Lord,
 may we be as vigilant for you
   as we are for old Saint Nick…
May we watch for you as earnestly
 as we study the market’s rise and fall…
May we anticipate your coming with love
 as when parents wait for children to come home…
May we watch for you as those who live with war
 wait and watch and pray for peace…
May we search you out
 as we look for one beloved face
   in a crowd getting off a plane…
May we wonder at your coming
 as when a child dreams of gifts beneath the tree…
May we look for you with eyes wide open
  as when marveling at the season’s lights or the moon
    sparkling  on new-fallen snow…
May we watch for you
 as though our lives and hopes depended entirely
on your coming and your presence
 on your mercy and your grace
       - for so, indeed, they do…
We don’t know when or how or how often
   you’ll come this Advent, Lord
 but we know you won’t wait until December 25
   to reveal graciously your face, your light and peace
     in our hearts and minds and souls…
So, when you do come, Lord, we pray you’ll find us:
   serving the poor,
   forgiving one another,
   praising your name
   and rejoicing in your presence…

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Wait for the Lord  by Taize

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