
Pause for Prayer: WEDNESDAY 12/13

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Today is the feast of Saint Lucy.  Unfortunately, Lucy's history has been lost and all we really know for certain is that this brave Sicilian woman lost her life during the persecution of Christians in the early fourth century. Her veneration spread to Rome so that by the sixth century the whole Church recognized her courage in defense of the faith.  Though we're short on her history, there are a number of interesting legends about Lucy which give rise to her being honored as a patron saint of those who suffer with vision problems.

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
to see you more clearly, 
wherever you may be, 
wherever you appear,
wherever you reveal yourself
along the path I walk...

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
especially to your presence
in the lives of those around me...

I want to see you more clearly
in all I know and love...

I want to see you coming towards me
in folks I've not yet met...

I want to see you in the people
I overlook and often miss...
I want to see you in those
whose beliefs may challenge my own...
I want to see you in my enemies
as I see you in my friends...
I want to see you in people,
in places, in circumstances
where I don't expect to find you...
I want to see you everywhere I look, Lord,
because everywhere's precisely where you are...
I offer you my vision:
the eyes in my head and the eyes of my soul:
open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
and surprise me with your presence
everywhere I turn,
in every place and time...
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,
open the eyes of my heart:
I want to see you today,
all day and all night, 
I want to see you
and know you are near... 

Open the Eyes of My Heart by Jesse Manibusan
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Open my eyes, Lord  
Help me to see Your face 
Open my eyes, Lord 
Help me to see 
Open my ears, Lord 
Help me to hear Your voice  
Open my ears, Lord  
Help me to hear  
Open my heart, Lord
help me to love like you
Open my heart, Lord
help me to love
And the first shall be last  
And our eyes are opened  
And we'll hear like never before 
And we'll speak in new ways  
And we'll see God's face in places we've never known  
I live within You  
Deep in Your heart, oh love 
I live within You 
Rest now in me  
Open my eyes, Lord  
Help me to see Your face 
Open my eyes, Lord  
Help me to see 
Help me to see Your face 
Help me to hear  
Help me to hear Your voice  
Help me to love  
Help me to love like You 
Help me to see




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