
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 12/9

There will be no Christmas tree and no Christmas lights in Manger Square in Bethlehem this year as a gesture of solidarity with those who are suffering in the Israel-Hamas war.   

But a new Christmas song has been composed by Youstina Safar, a student at Bethlehem University, with the cooperation of Ooberfuse, a London based band.  Here's a video of the song with the lyrics in both English and Arabic.
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The stars in the heaven tonight are alive 
    with the promise of nativity
As the universe aligns, 
    awaiting for the moment of glory 
Hear angels cry, 
    hope is born tonight
Screaming out to break the silence, 
    baby cradled in his mother’s arms
Reaching out to every people, 
    mighty waves of the storm now calm
Hear angels cry,  
    hope is born tonight!
Pause for Prayer

Lord, send your Spirit 
to open my heart in prayer and solidarity 
with those who suffer in Israel and Gaza
and their families and friends around the world...

Help me find a way 
to dim the lights on my Christmas cheer,
remembering that in so many places in the world
    there is still no room for you at the inn,
    your family is still on foot, seeking a place of refuge,
    you live in poverty and hunger
    while we in palaces, like my own home,
        have more than we could possibly need...

Let my Christmas joy rest in your promise
    to hear the cry of the poor,
    to lift them out of their misery
        and secure for them a peaceful place
    in the reign of your gospel
        and the justice you bring
            for those who live by your word...





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