
Monday Morning Offering: 1/29

        Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
For over 16 years, Lord, 
    I've been writing this Monday Morning offering
and for over 16 years  
    I've been telling you what I'll offer,
for over 16 years 
    I've made the call on that...

Well, this morning it occurs to me
there just might be an offering
    you've been waiting for me to make,
    looking for me to make,
    prompting me to make
        - maybe, now, for more than 16 years...

What might you have me offer, Lord?
What or who would you have me 
    let go?
    give up?
    leave behind?
    give away?
    hand over?
    place in your hands?

Sometimes, Lord - even often -
I hold back and keep
what I most need to offer,
what I need to entrust
to your wisdom, your will and your mercy,
to your care and your loving compassion...

So this morning, Lord,
    I offer you some time today
        to sit with you in prayer
to listen with a mind and heart
    open to your Spirit's voice
        moving me to offer you
what you know well
    is best for me
        to lift to you in trust...




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