
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 1/28

On Sundays, Night Prayer will take it's lead from some element of the day's liturgy.  Tonight we pray from today's Psalm refrain
    If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart...

If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

I do listen, Lord.
Especially when I stop to pray:
I listen for your voice...

I strain to hear your voice,
to hear a word of your wisdom and counsel,
your consolation and compassion…

If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

I trust that you speak to me in the stillness,
    that you call me by name,
and though my ears may not hear you,
    I pray my heart does,
        in this quiet place and time...
In my prayer I find a respite
    from the noise that fills my day 
and I believe I may hear more
    in the silence of the night
        than in a thousand words by day...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart... 

Could it be, Lord,
that the first word you speak to me is
- the silence?

And if it is, 
give me patience to take more time 
to ponder, to wonder, to listen to
    what I hear in the silence,
    what I hear from you,
    what echoes in my mind and heart...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...
The silence breathes your presence, Lord,
    like an old friend whose quiet company
        speaks volumes more than any conversation…

But there are days and nights, Lord,
    when I need a word,
    when I need to hear a word from you,
    when I need to hear the sound of your voice...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...
Speak to me, Lord,
and when you speak to me
    open my heart 
        to hear you,
    open my soul 
        and let your word echo within me,
    open my mind 
        to your wisdom and counsel,
    open wide whatever closes me off 
        to your whispering voice
            and the word you speak to me...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...
And when I hear a word from you,
    help me test its truth, and even more,
    help me trust it comes from you
        and not from me...

When I listen for your voice in scripture
    help me find  a verse, a phrase, a word
        that hits home, touches  my soul, lights up my mind
            - as though you spoke it just for me...

Help me listen for your voice, your message
    in what I hear from those around me,
    in what I hear in the church's prayer,
    in what I hear from those who truly care for me...

Help me listen for your word
    in what I read and study,
    in how the seasons change and turn
    and in any thing of beauty 
        that appears along my path...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

Help me listen for the word of challenge 
    you might speak:
a word to stand me up, hold me to account,
    and draw me closer to you
        and to my neighbors and their needs...

Whether I hear your voice or not
I know you speak peace, Lord:
    surely peace is on your lips each time
    you break the silence with your voice
    and bless my ears with its sweet sound...
If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

Your voice speaks peace and courage;
    pardon and forgiveness; 
        hope and healing:
your words are layered in mercy, 
    linked from your lips to my heart by love
        calling me by my own name...
Let me hear your voice, Lord,
    if only in the silence,
let my waiting for your word 
   not be in vain...

In this moment of prayer let my heart be quiet:
    quiet enough to hear the silence speak,
    still enough to hear your voice, O Lord...

If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

Speak, Lord, I love to listen to your voice.
    See, Lord: here I am... 

If tonight I hear your voice, Lord,
    let me harden not my heart...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Speak, O Lord  by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

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1 comment:

  1. You are always a very special gift to us all!! Sincere thanks for ALL that you ALWAYS give of yourself in your very meaningful homilies! Ina


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