
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 1/26

Got some friends, Lord,
   who are carrying some heavy loads,
   their plates full of cares and concerns,
   troubles and fear, loneliness and doubt...

So, I was wondering...

   Could you slow things down for them,
   even just a little, in the days ahead?

   Could you fill in the potholes and smooth the bumps
   on the road they're traveling?

   Could you make their lives a little less complicated
   and a whole lot simpler?

   Could you spare them the curve balls
   and throw a couple right down Broadway?

   Could you gently touch their grief
   and mend their broken hearts?

   Could you give them a break
   from bad news, discouragement and distress?

   Could you take at least a few things off
   their already full and overflowing plates of problems?

   Could you let them catch a glimpse of you
   standing close by their side?

   Could you give them the time and space they need
   to sit back, relax and find a little peace?

   Could you relieve their doubts
   and refresh their faith in you?

   Could you bless their tender hearts,
   their ailing bodies and their broken spirits
   with your healing and compassion?

And we'd all be grateful, Lord,
   if you'd give us some hints
      on how best to help one another
when we we feel so helpless, so powerless 
   over what others are facing...

We're all so powerless in so many ways
and need to trust in you, Lord,
to lean on you, to ask you to be:
      our strength in our weakness,
      our wisdom in our doubts,
      and our hope
         through the darkest of lonely nights...

Got some friends, Lord,
   who are carrying heavy loads, their plates overflowing
      with cares and concerns, with troubles and fears:
   help them know and see and feel your presence,
      your love, your strength, your mercy and your peace...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's setting of a familiar verse from Matthew is new to me 
and one of the most beautiful and prayerful I've found...

Come To Me  by Steve and Hannah Musso

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Slow it downTake a breathClose your eyesRest your headJust let go and let it beHe still holds the world while you sleep
He says "Come to Me and I will give you rest"As He holds you in His arms the burden liftsHe says "Learn from Me for I am meek and kind"Trade your heaviness for peaceHis yoke is lightHe says "Come to Me"
Lift your eyesLook aheadCall to mind all He's saidFor He is joy and He is lightAnd when you seek, you will find
Receive His peaceAnd know that He is lifeCome taste and seeOnly Jesus satisfies
Receive His peaceAnd know that He is lifeCome taste and seeOnly Jesus satisfies
He says "Come to Me and I will give you rest"As He holds you in His arms the burden liftsHe says "Learn from Me for I am meek and kind"Trade your heaviness for peaceHis yoke is lightHe says "Come to Me"




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