
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 1/3

I'm wondering, Lord,
how you see my January resolutions
in the light of the plans you have for me
in the year ahead...

 Through the words of Jeremiah
you've told me you have plans for me: 
For I know well the plans I have in mind for you,
   plans for your welfare and not for woe,
      so as to give you a future of hope.
When you call me, and come and pray to me,
   I will listen to you.
When you look for me, you will find me.
Yes, when you seek me with all your heart,
   I will let you find me...
I'd love to know your plans for me for 2024!

And I know you don't think of plans
the way I do! 

I know that your plans for me
    won't determine my new year,
that your plans are
they're nudges and hunches
   you plant in my mind and heart...

And I know that of all your plans for me,
the greatest is your plan 
    to draw me closer to you,
    into the embrace of your mercy,
    your love and your truth...

Your plan for 2024
is to invite me to respond more readily and fully
when you whisper your call to me
    in the depths of my thoughts, in my prayer,
    in my conscience and in my heart...

Your plan is to challenge me
in just those places in my life where I'm
    most stubborn,
    most deeply wounded,
    most afraid,
    most anxious,
and least inclined to respond 
to the challenges you set before me...

And not just challenges!
In the new year you plan 
     to console me and hold me,
    strengthen and support me,
    forgive me and comfort me
in just those places in my life where I am most alone
and most in need of your mercy, your presence,
    your peace and your Spirit...

Lord, you know well the plans you have in mind for me
and though I have some notion of what they might be,
I know I don't know them all:
nor do I know when and where and how
you'll let me in on your plans...

I do know that any plan of yours
    is for my welfare, for my good,
even when your plan may chart my path
    through the twists and turns of trouble and woe...

And I know that in your plans for me
you will always be there with me
- and for me...

I know you want me to seek you in the new year, Lord,
    and I know you want to be found...

I know that:
    whatever your plans and my choices may be
       you'll always be there to guide me;
    wherever my prayer might lead me,
       you'll be there in every sorrow and joy;
    that whenever I call your name,
       you'll hear my every plea
    and take to heart my heart's desires...

You know well the plans you have for me, Lord:
    help me to discern and know them
and help me to live in the hope and grace
    of all you have in store for me...

Help me resolve in this new year
    to seek you above any and all,
    to trust in the plans you have for me
    to live according to your word and will
and in the deep peace that flows, only and ever,
    from your heart to mine
because this is your plan for me, Lord,
    this is your plan for me.
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...


I Know the Plans I Have for You  by Lordsong

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Sometimes I feel so small
 I wonder what God wants from me,
 what will I be
I listen for his call
 and try to wait so patiently
 though I may not see
When I cannot find my way
 I just remember
 the promise he made
I know the plans I have for you
 I know exactly what to do
 I will work a wonder for your good
 I will listen when you pray
 give you peace for each new day
 trust in me your whole life through
 I know the plans I have for you
The working of his hand
 sometimes seems so strange to me,
 it’s a mystery
I try to understand
 and follow everywhere he leads
 for my heart believes
When I cannot see the end
 I hear him saying
 again and again


Search me with all your heart
 seek me and you will find
 the future filled with hope
 the purpose for your life


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