
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 1/13

    Photo by CP

It's only mid-January, Lord,
but I found today, by my back door, a rhododendron:
    all budded and biding its time, 
    patiently waiting for winter to pass, 
    the days to lengthen and the sun to open 
    those tightly wound nuggets of hope 
    and the promise of spring to come...
Now, before she blooms 
this rhody will weather both frost and cold
and more than once she'll find herself wrapped
in a shroud of new fallen snow...
Still nothing will keep her from trusting in you
and the beauty and fragrance you'll draw from her
when her time has come 
and she flowers with grace:
    your life in her every blossom...
May I be, O Lord, 
in these wintry days,
hopeful, faithful and patient
like the burgeoning rhododendron,
waiting and standing by my back door...


Here's a time-lapse video unveiling the springtime's
promise and beauty...  




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