It's true, Lord:
there is something special about being quiet....
Sometimes it just feels right
not to talk
to anyone
about anything
at all...
I find so much peace, Lord,
when it's quiet, still and hushed
and I'm speaking not a word
about anything at all,
to anyone
- except perhaps to you...
For in the stillness of your presence,
with grace your silence whispers,
and then my heart speaks to yours, Lord,
and your heart speaks to mine...
Then dawns your peace upon me,
yes, it rises in my soul,
it engulfs me in the quiet
and something special comes
when my heart speaks naught to anyone
except to you, O Lord,
in the quiet of your presence,
in the silence of my prayer...
I hope that sometime today
you'll find some quiet time
in a quiet place
where you speak not a word
about anything
to anyone at all
and that you find in the silence
the presence and peace of the Lord...
Peace is always with us when we are aware that God is present every moment