
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 2/17

I was hard pressed and falling, 
   but the LORD came to my help.
- Psalm 118 

I stumble, Lord. 
Acutally, I stumble a lot 
    - and you know that!
I bend under pressure,
I trip over my own mistakes.
And sometimes, even often, 
I lose my balance
   - and I fall...

    you never fail to come to my help...
You're always there, extending your hand 
to help me up, dust me off, 
revive my spirits, restore my hope
    - and help me on my way...
There's a good chance, Lord,
that I'll stumble, bend, trip or fall
    - before this day's over! 

When I'm hard pressed, Lord,
and when I fear I'm going to fall:
remind of your help, 
the long reach of your hand 
    - and the hope that's mine in you...






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