I wonder, Lord, if sometimes
I suffer from tunnel vision in my spiritual life...
I wonder if I have a pretty narrow view
of when and where and how
I suffer from tunnel vision in my spiritual life...
I wonder if I have a pretty narrow view
of when and where and how
you might touch and heal my life
in any given season, on any given day...
While I know exactly
in any given season, on any given day...
While I know exactly
how I want to know your touch,
only you know best
only you know best
where I need your touch, your healing,
in these 40 Lenten days...
Broaden my vision, Lord:
Broaden my vision, Lord:
help me find and know your touch
when it comes,
where it comes,
how it comes
and where you, in your wisdom,
know where I'm most in need
of your gentle, healing touch tonight
when it comes,
where it comes,
how it comes
and where you, in your wisdom,
know where I'm most in need
of your gentle, healing touch tonight
and in these holy days of Lent...
Touch and bless me, Lord,
where I'm most in need of healing,
bless me with the peace
that's only yours to give...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's music reaches deep within the soul...
Heal Me by Aaron Jeoffrey
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It's another "good to see you" Sunday morningOh I hardly hear the wordsRoll off my tongue.Looking in myselffor signs of somethingthat's long gone.Oh I stumble through the verseThat says You love me.As the voices echo,My thoughts drift away.And I close my eyes,Ashamed I'm feeling nothing.And I pray, I pray.
Heal meHeal these eyesHeal this heartHeal my mindBreathe Your breath of lifeHeal meWake my soulFrom this sleepGive me back the joy of when IFirst believedHeal me....…
Oh I lose myself to one moreDay's indifferenceWhen my eyes are everywhere
But fixed on youI don't have the strength
To over come this distance butYou do... You do...
I don't want to waste another minuteTaking all Your love for grantedI just wanna feel Your Holy SpiritRushing over me
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