It's Mothers Day weekend, Lord,
a time of gratitude and love
for millions of women and their families,
grateful for the wonderful blessing
our mothers are in our lives...
But Mothers Day, like all holidays,
can be lonely and bittersweet
so I pray tonight for women and children
who'll sadly find this special day a burdenmore than a blessing...
I pray for those who pray to be mothers:
hear their prayer, O Lord, and give them grace
to trust in you and your love...
I pray for mothers estranged from their children
and children estranged from their mother:
open their hearts to the healing and peace
that has power to bring them together...
I pray for those who have lost their mother
and for mothers who've lost their children:
give them faith that one day they'll meet again
when you gather us all to yourself...
I pray for those who don't know their mothers
for many reasons, in many ways:
hold them close, O Lord, as a mother would,
and cradle their hearts in your peace...
And I pray for all whose maternal care
has given us tender comfort
in times and places when we reached out
for the love only mothers can give...
Come with peace this weekend, Lord,
bless our joy and heal our heartache;
mother us all in your warm embrace:
we're your children, born of your love...
Protect us, Lord while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is a prayer to the one we name
Mother of God, Mother of Jesus
and Mother of us all...
Gentle Woman by Carey Landy
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