
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 7/19

Classic comedian Bob Newhart died yesterday at the age of 94.  Ginnie Cronin, his wife of 60 years, died just a year ago.  I was a freshman in high school when Newhart began his career and it's fair to say his humor has kept me laughing ever since - including, recently, watching reruns of his Newhart, his second television series.  His humor was always understated, intelligent, honest, humble, clean and laugh-out-loud funny.  I was thrilled to meet him personally in 1994 when I offered the blessing at the banquet of the Massachusetts Medical Society and Bob Newhart was the evening's entertainment.  
About a month ago, Pope Francis met with over a hundred comedians from around the world. The Americans included Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Jim Gaffigan, Whoopi Goldberg, James Martin, S.J., Tig Notaro, Chris Rock and Conan O'Brien.  If Bob Newhart, himself a Catholic, had been invited, I doubt that he would have been strong enough to make the trip.  But if he had, I know he would have put a smile on the pope's face and laughter on his lips... 
Humor can help me make it through life, Lord:
    through tough situations and trouble,
    through good times and bad, 
    through success and through failure,
    through doubt and confusion,
    through loss and through grief,
    through awkward, embarrassing moments,
    and through just about any and every thing
        that crosses my path each day...

I'm grateful, Lord:
    for smiles that break on my drooping face,
    for wisdom that chuckles when truth is found,
    for giggles that make me a child again,
    for the comedy found in my everyday life, 
    for the humor that lightens my heavy heart,
    for the wit that's hidden in common sense
    and the whimsy that irony often reveals...
I'm so grateful for the people who make me laugh:
    who tease me with stories, pranks and jokes, 
    who help me learn to laugh at life,
    who turn me to look on the lighter side,
    who season my inmost thoughts with joy,
    who give me permission to laugh in my grief
    who show me where humor lies hidden, Lord,
    and teach me, at last, to laugh at myself...

So help me to see, Lord, to trust and believe
    that you smile on me,
    that you laugh at my blunders,
    roll your eyes at my pride,
    shout with glee when you see
        how I'm seeking your face
    and cry with delight 
        for heaven to hear 
            when I welcome your Spirit's joy...

Stephen Colbert Jimmy Fallon Jim Gaffigan Whoopi Goldberg James Martin Tig Notaro Chris Rock Conan O’ Brien

Complete List of Mexican, Spanish, American and Argentine Comedians That The Pope Will Meet in The Vatican | ZENIT - English
Stephen Colbert Jimmy Fallon Jim Gaffigan Whoopi Goldberg James Martin Tig Notaro Chris Rock Conan O’ Brien

Complete List of Mexican, Spanish, American and Argentine Comedians That The Pope Will Meet in The Vatican | ZENIT - En




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