
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 7/28

It happens that I'm praying for a friend who's a man.If you're praying for a friend who's a woman, scroll down to the lower half of this post...

A friend of mine is going through some tough times, Lord...

You know each one of his burdens
    and how faithfully he bears them.

 And you know he prays and reaches out
    to find your mercy and your peace,
        your grace, your strength and help.

I'm praying for my friend, Lord:
    may his tears, like a river flowing freely, 
        empty out the hurt within
    and wash the sadness from his heart...

Gently bind and heal his wounds
    and tend his soul 'til he rejoices
        in the peace that only you can give...

Give him faith and hope
    to see him through this stretch
and help him trust that soon enough
    all shall be well, all shall be well:
        that in your time, Lord - all shall be well...

And not for just this friend alone
    but for others, too, all good and faithful folks
whose arms are filled with almost more
    than any one might carry:
        - for these too, Lord, I pray...

And show me any way
    that I might be for them the one
to bring your gentle healing touch,
    your tender and consoling strength...

But for right now, I'm praying, Lord,
    I'm praying for my friend
and for all who need your peace:
   Lord, have mercy, hear my prayer...


A friend of mine is going through some tough times, Lord...

You know each one of her burdens
and how faithfully she bears them. 

And you know she prays and reaches out
    to find your mercy and your peace,
        your grace, your strength and help...

I'm praying for my friend, Lord:
    may her tears, like a river flowing freely, 
empty out the hurt within
    and wash the sadness from her heart...

Gently bind and heal her wounds
    and tend her soul 'til she rejoices
        in the peace that only you can give...

Give her faith and hope
    to see her through this stretch
and help her trust that soon enough
    all shall be well, all shall be well:
        that in your time, Lord, all shall be well...

And not for just this friend alone
  but for others, too, all good and faithful folks
whose arms are filled with almost more
  than any one might carry:
     for these too, Lord, I pray...

And show me any way
  that I might be for them the one
to bring your gentle healing touch,
  your tender and consoling strength...

But for right now, I'm praying, Lord,
    I'm praying for my friend
and for all who need your peace:
     Lord, have mercy, hear my prayer...







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