
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 7/28

On Sundays, Night Prayer draws its inspiration from some element of the day's liturgy.  This evening we turn to the gospel from today's mass and the theme I developed in my homily: our hunger for knowing Jesus...
Make me hungry, Lord,
    for what feeds my heart,
    nourishes my soul
    and strengthens my will to do the right thing...
Make me hungry, Lord, 
    for what cleanses my thoughts,
    lifts my spirits 
    and purifies all my desires and passions...

Make me hungry, Lord,
    for the truth of your word,
    the grace of your Spirit
    and the beauty and splendor of all creation...

Make me hungry, Lord,
    for doing what's just,
    righting what's wrong
    and for making peace with my family and friends...

Make me hungry for you, O Lord,
    for the bread of your truth and your wisdom,
    the bread of your mercy and kindness,
    the bread of your patience and pardon
   and the bread of your gracious presence...
Make me hungry for you, O Lord,
    for the bread of your body, given for me,
    the bread of your body, bruised for me,
    the bread of your body, broken for me,
    the bread of your body, wounded for me,
    the bread of your body, pierced for me,
    the bread of your body, laid down for me,
    the bread of your body, entombed for me,
    the bread of your body, raised up for me,
    and the bread of your body, shared with me
        at the table of praise and thanksgiving...

Make me hungry for you, O Lord,
    and nourish and strengthen my heart and hands
to break and share the bread of my self
    with any and all who hunger for you,
        the bread come down from heaven,
            the Bread of eternal life...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

We Are Hungry by Brad Kilman 
     cover by Passion Music
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Lord, I want more of You 
Living Water, rain down on me 
Lord, I need more of You 
Living Breath of Life come fill me up
We are hungry, we are hungry 
We are hungry for more of You 
We are thirsty, oh Jesus 
We are thirsty for more of You 
Lord, I want more of You 
Holy Spirit, rain down on me 
Lord, I need more of You 
Living Breath of Life come and fill me up 
We are hungry, we are hungry 
We are hungry for more of You 
We are thirsty, oh Jesus 
We are thirsty for more of You....
We lift our holy hands up 
We want to touch You 
We lift our voices higher 
And higher and higher to You...
We are hungry, we are hungry 
We are hungry for more of You 
We are thirsty, oh Jesus 
We are thirsty for more of You...
May our Kingdom come, 
your will be done 
More of You, more of You, more of You, yeah 
Your will be done, yeah 
We are hungry, we are thirsty 
We are hungry for more of You 
We lift our voices higher and higher...




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