
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 7/30

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Standing on the bridge here,
    dry but drenched in Clear Creek's beauty,
I hear you softly whisper, Lord,
    above, perhaps within
the swooshing and the rushing
    in the breeze and in the stream,
        I hear you whisper in my heart:
    I'm here, you're not alone,
    I'm by your side, the whole day through
    and I will never walk away...
    I've got your back, I've got a plan,
    I know your needs, I see your hurt,
    I've come to heal, anoint and mend...
    I know the way, I'll be your guide,
    I've got your hand, I won't let go,
    we're on a road that's leading home...
    In the good times and the bad times
    and in all the in-between-times
    you're my own, you're my beloved...
    I'm in the wind and in the waters,
    I'm the very air you breathe -
    my heart pulses, one with yours...
    Come each day, my friend, and listen
    for a whisper of my words,
    for the promise of my presence
        and my peace...




1 comment:

Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!