
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 7/29

Today is the feast of Martha, Mary and Lazarus.  Just three years ago Pope Francis expanded the feast of Saint Martha to include her siblings, Saints Mary and Lazarus.  The gospels tell us that these three were very close friends of Jesus.

How fine the gift of friendship, Lord!
    Good friends, old friends,
    new friends, work friends,
    wise friends, fun friends,
    family friends, loyal friends, 
    virtual friends and friends next door,
    true friends, honest friends, 
    school friends, social friends,
    best friends, long-distance friends,
    friends in faith and FaceBook friends
    - how fine the gift of friendship, Lord!
I'm grateful, Lord, for all my friends:
    friends who always have my back,
    friends who don't forget me,
    friends who never let me down,
    friends who always have time for me,
    friends who give so generously 
        - and never count the cost,
    friends who always tell the truth,
    friends I can depend on...
And thank you, Lord, for friends
    whose patience knows no end,
    who pardon and forgive me,
    who praise me and critique me,
    who pray for me and stay with me,
    who always save a place for me,
    who wait for me when I am late,
    who without fail remember me,
    who comfort me in sad times,
    who share my every joy,
    who live within my heart of hearts,
        whose hearts are home to me...
I thank you for my closest friends,
    friends as good as purest gold,
whose love and prayer and sacrifice
    draw me to you, 
        the very best of all my friends:
            my Savior and my Lord...
Let's all take some time here
    to lift in prayer, by name
the names of friends
    for whom we're grateful tonight...
Make me a friend to others, Lord,
    as you're a friend to me...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Two songs for our prayer this evening:
    the first, an old hymn, reminding us
        of what a Friend we have in Jesus... 
    the second, a more contemporary song
        inviting us to pray for all our friends
            and Jesus, the best of all our friends...
If a widget and video don't appear below, click here! 

What A Friend We Have In Jesus 
    arranged by David Angerman

You've Got A Friend by Carole King




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