
Monday Morning Offering 8/19

Image: George Mendoza











Good morning, good God!
I lift up to you this morning, Lord,
all the folks who'll wake up today
and wish they could spend the day in bed
to escape and avoid whatever it is
they want to avoid and escape...

And I lift up to you the folks who are dreading
the same old same old same old
       but can't find the will, the wit or the way
       to make the changes they need to make:
       the changes that actually make things change...

And I lift up to you all the people in need
who face one more day
without work, without health,
without shelter and food,
without someone to care, 
with no where to go, no where to turn,
without hope for a better tomorrow...
And I lift up to you all the folks who are sad, 
who are grieving a loss of any kind, Lord:
    who hearts have been wounded,
    whose trust has been broken,
    whose faith has been shaken
    whose dreams have been shattered,
    whose strength has been sapped
    and whose hope has been stolen
       by anxiety, fear and regret...

So many folks to lift up, O Lord,
so many burdened with troubles and hardship,
    adversity, problems, misfortune and need;
so I pray you'll reach down and help us lift up
    those who are caught, stuck and held back
by the pain and suffering that all of us bear
    - only some carry much more than others...

Make all of us strong, Lord, 
    gentle and generous in reaching out 
to lift up and help our brothers sisters, 
    our neighbors and friends,
        close to home or across the globe...
Send us your Spirit, this morning, this week,
    to call our hearts to love one another;
to be the promise, the hope and assurance
    that all shall be well, all things shall be well,
        with your help and grace, Lord, all shall be well...




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