
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 8/19

There's a stillness in my heart tonight... 
    I'm grateful for this gift, Lord,
    and I pray for those
    who long to find your peace...
There's contentment in my heart tonight... 
    I'm grateful for this soothing calm
    and pray for those 
    who seek such sweet serenity...

There's joy in my heart, Lord…

    I'm grateful for such cheerfulness
    and pray for those
    who pine for happy times...
There's faith in my heart tonight...
    I'm grateful for such certainty
    and pray for those 
    who live with doubt and fear...
There's hope in my heart tonight...
    I'm grateful for such confidence
    and pray for those 
    who search for hope they've lost...
There's love in my heart tonight...
    I'm grateful for this blessing
    and  I pray for those 
    who ache to know love's grace...
Lord, you are in my heart tonight...
    I'm grateful for your presence
    and I  pray for those
    who burn for your embrace...
Lord, be in all our hearts tonight...

    We're grateful for your every gift
    and pray for one another
    that in you we place our faith and hope
        and find the love we seek...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you 
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


If there are empty places in your heart tonight,
     then this is a song for you...

If the video below does not appear, click here!

Come and Fill My Heart by Avalon




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