
Monday Morning Offering: 8/26

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

I try really hard to do the right thing
    and say the right word
but despite my best efforts,
    my words and deeds can often miss their mark
and, worse, end up hurting
    just where I tried and hoped to heal...

Sometimes my efforts at honesty
    become a hard lesson in humility
        and while I'm grateful for what I've learned
I grieve the cost to those at whose expense
    my newfound wisdom comes...

Sometimes, Lord, my best intentions
    fall apart in my own hands
and, try as I might, it's hard to see
    how and when and why something went wrong
        - but it did and I need to own it…

So this morning, Lord,
I offer you my failed deeds and garbled words
    and any harm they've done to those entrusted to my care.
I pray you’ll speak your healing word
    upon whatever unintended hurt I've caused...

And I offer you all I've learned the hard way, Lord:
    the way that's paved with others' hopes,
        the path that bears the prints of my rough steps.
I ask forgiveness of any whose hearts
    I've trespassed without care...

I offer you all my good intentions, Lord,
help me see them as they are:
    to discern the selfish from the selfless
    and to act upon what wisdom I might gain...

I offer you all the mistakes I've made, Lord:
    the ones I didn't see coming,
    the ones I should have seen coming,
    and the ones I saw only once it was too late:
I pray that you’ll forgive me
    and heal the hearts of any I have hurt…

I offer you my foolish pride 
    that tempts me to think, and too often to believe,
        that I’m always right and never wrong…

Help me know myself as you know me,
    help me see what’s good and true;
help me take an honest look, Lord
    at anything not worthy of a place within my heart...

Tame, heal, shape, mold and bless my heart
    for loving you, Lord,
and for serving all 
    whose paths this day will cross my own...




1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your prayers❄️🩵❄️


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