
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 8/3

Got some things I want you to take care of, Lord,
and I'd like you to take care of them
    right away,
    sooner than later,

Well, I'm sure you catch my drift here -
and no, you don't have to tell me:
    I know I'm being very impatient
    and I'm being impatient with YOU
    who are forever patient with me...

As you know, Lord,
the things I want you to accomplish
(in record time)
aren't for me:
    it's all for others,
    for others whose needs are so much greater than mine,
    for others who are likely far more patient with you
    than I am with anyone
    - including you!

So, slow me down, Lord,
and give me patience:
    patience with you,
    patience with life,
    patience with my neighbor
    and patience with myself...

Remind me, let me see, Lord,
how patient you are with me:
    in my clumsiness,
    in my laziness,
    in my stubbornness,
    in my stalling,
    in my stumbling, procrastinating ways...

Remind me, let me see, Lord,
how patient you are with me
    when I waste your time and mine,
    when I drag my feet and dawdle along
    as if I had all the time in the world...

Remind me, let me see, Lord,
that patience is a virtue:
    a grace from your heart,
    an undeserved mercy,
    a gift for others and for me...

Let your patience with me
    be the patience I share with others,
especially with those who’ve understandably
    grown impatient with me and my ways...

Let your patience with me, Lord
    heal my impatience with you
and flow through my heart 
    with mercy and grace
and into the hearts 
    of everyone I meet and know,
    of all whose paths cross mine...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Love is Patient by David Brymer
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Love is patient, love is patient and kind 
Not withholding, always giving its time 
Faith, hope and love, these three remain 
But the greatest of these is love 
Faith, hope and love, these three remain 
But the greatest of these is love 
Love it suffers, love it suffers long 
Through the heartbreak, it keeps no record of wrongs 
Faith, hope and love, these three remain 
But the greatest of these is love 
Faith, hope and love, these three remain 
But the greatest of these is 
Love of God, flow through me, renew me 
Love of God, transform me to be holy 
Love, your love,
your love, your love when all is said and done 
Love is patient, love is patient and kind 
Not withholding, always giving it's time




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