
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 8/2

I come to you, Lord,
    with my heart sometimes ready
    and sometimes not ready at all...

I come to you, Lord,
    to trust you, love you and follow you;
to do what you ask of me
    and go where you lead me
        wherever that might be...

My worries and burdens, my problems
    loom larger than life 
and back me into corners
    where I feel alone and wonder 
        where you've brought me,
        where you'll lead me...

And sometimes, Lord,
    I wonder, I worry,
        "Are you still with me?" 
I need a dream, Lord:
    send me an angel, 
    send me a message,
    whisper a word in my heart 
and remind me
    to believe, to trust, to hope in you...

All day long and even in my sleep, 
    remind me, Lord
        that with you I can face all things,
        accept all things, 
        endure all things...

Especially when my nights and days
    are spun around and upside down;
        when my sense of direction fails me;
        when I fear the path I walk,
remind me then, Lord, to be not afraid
    but to trust that with you by my side
        I'm ready for whatever may come...

I come to you, Lord,
    with a heart sometimes ready
        and sometimes not ready at all
but, ready or not 
    here I come,
    here I am,
    here I stand
seeking your mercy and peace,
    in need of your love and your strength...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Ready or not - let's sing!
Lord, I'm Ready  by Jonathan Butler
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Lord I'm ready to receive your grace
Lord I'm ready, here I am
Oh, Lord I'm ready to receive your grace
Lord I'm ready, Lord I 'm ready here I stand

Lay your hand upon me so that I may be free
Let Thy Holy Spirit fall on me
Cleanse me from unrighteousness
and fill me with your holiness
let thy Holy Spirit fall on me

Lord, I'm ready... I'm ready...
Lord I'm ready to receive your grace
Lord I'm ready, here I am
Oh, Lord I'm ready to receive your grace
Lord I'm ready, Lord I 'm ready here I stand
Lay your hand upon me so that I may be free
Let Thy Holy Spirit fall on me
Cleanse me from unrighteousness
and fill me with your holiness
let thy Holy Spirit fall on me

let thy Holy Spirit fall on me 
Said I am ready,
Yes, I am ready...

Oh, oh, oh,
Let thy Spirit fall on me
Oh, cleanse me from unrighteousness
and fill me with your holiness
let thy Holy Spirit fall on me

Said I am ready
I am ready here
Standing at a throne
Kneeling down before you
Ready to receive 
I am ready
Just to wait on you
Bow down before you
I am ready, Lord
Bow down before you
Standing at the altar
Arms stretched out
To receive your love, grace,
peace, joy
Oh, I'm ready, Lord,
I'm ready now...





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