
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 8/2

    Image by Monte Trumbull

I'm grateful, Lord,
    just to be in this place 
so wide and so open,
    so broad and expansive,
I can see the shadows,
    cast by clouds,
as they dance and play 
    on the mountainside... 
And all I can do
    is join with creation
in giving you thanks
    and praising your holy name...
All you mountains and valleys,
    bless the Lord! 
All you rolling hills,
    bless the Lord!
All you heavens above,
    bless the Lord!
All the earth below,
    bless the Lord!
Brother sun in the sky,
    bless the Lord!
Cirrus and cumulus,
    bless the Lord!
Brightness and shadows,
    bless the Lord!
All you works of the Lord,
    bless the Lord!
All you people of the Lord,
    bless the Lord!
Let all creation
    praise God's holy name!





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