
Pause for Prayer: WEDNESDAY 8/28

Saint Augustine (whose feast is today) is one of the most significant characters in the history of western thought, the Church and theology  - and he's my patron saint!  From among Augustine's some 100 written works, one my favorite lines is this from his Confessions (book 10, chapter 27):

        Late have I loved you,
            beauty so ancient and so new! 
        Late have I loved you! 
Of course, Augustine himself recognized that with God, it's never too late.  So, let's pray...
Late have I loved you,
    beauty so ancient, beauty so new 
late have I loved you,
    my Savior and my God...
Late have I loved you
    but I praise and thank Lord,
for I know it's not too late
    to come to you in prayer...
It's never too late to love you, Lord,
    and never too late to ask for your love...
It's never too late to look for you, Lord,
    and never too late to seek you...
It's never too late to repent, my God,
    and never too late to begin again...

It's never too late for enlightenment, Lord,
    and never too late to seek your wisdom...
It's never too late to find you, O God,
    and never too late to come home to you...
It's never too late to pray, O Lord,
    and never too late to rest in your arms... 

It's never too late to begin again, Lord,
    and never too late to make a fresh start...

It's never too late to hide in you, Lord,
    and never too late to surrender to grace... 

It's never too late to praise you, O Lord,
    beauty so ancient, beauty so new,
it's never too late to thank you, my God,
    for your healing, your blessing and peace...





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