


 Let me say from the outset that the heart of this story is good news! Had a check-up with my PCP after coming home from Colorado and he was concerned about some results in my blood tests. He connected me to a specialist whom I saw today. Evidently, some years ago, I had a similar issue (I vaguely remember this) but it cleared up. It seems to have returned. 

So, I'm going to have some inpatient treatments for a few days to get my levels back up. Bottom line: this is is treatable and I should be home soon. Aside from some fatigue, I feel absolutely fine! I wouldn't even mention this but my guess is that my posting online will be lighter than usual for the next few days - so this is a heads-up. 

And with that, I've given you all the info I have to give! I don't intend to be spilling medical facts here online but I'll keep you updated. 

Prayers, of course, will be appreciated! Please pray from right where you are - I'm looking forward to all the rest I can get! 






  1. I have added you to my prayer list and I am holding you in God’s Light and Love.

  2. I have added you to my prayer list, and am holding you in God’s Light and Love.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!