
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 10/12

You know all my joys and sorrows,
make them channels of your grace:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...
Heal the hearts of those I've hurt
and mend what harm I may have done: 
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer... 
In your mercy sweep my soul
of all my failings, faults and sins: 
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer... 
Lift my spirits from the pits
up to the joy that's born of peace:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...
Clear my mind of idle thoughts
and any foolishness and folly:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...
Grant me grace to do for others
what I'd have them do for me:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...  
Be my strength when I am weak, Lord,
be my hope when I'm in doubt:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...
Make me quick to kindly offer
mercy, pardon and forgiveness:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer... 
When I'm tempted to be selfish,
open wide my heart in love:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer... 
Make me content with all I have
and turn my eye from all I envy:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...
Make your heart my very home, Lord,
and my heart a home for you:
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...   
Ease my fears and calm my heart, Lord
while I'm restless and awake;
Guard my sleep throughout the night
and be there with me when I wake,
    Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer...

Heart of Jesus, Hear by Bubbles Bandojo, RC

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Teach our hearts to love like yours,  
love of God most high!  
Sacred Heart of Jesus, keep us by your side!  
Save us all from death and sin,  
our King crucified.  
Crowned with thorns and sorrow,  
you give us new life.  
Listen to our prayer! Heart of Jesus, hear!  
Make us always yours, and hold us ever near.  
Wherever we may go, whatever we may do, 
 Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.  
Grant us grace and all good gifts, 
heart of Christ, our Lord.  
Make your holy presence  
our home evermore!  
Fill us with your light and life.  
Guide us in your ways. 
Justice, peace, and mercy  
rule us all our days. 




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