Keep me faithful, Lord,
to meeting every day with you
for prayer this Lent...
for prayer this Lent...
Send your Spirit to seed my heart
with a desire to be with you,
to remain with you,
to stay with you...
Lead me to want to find you,
take a walk with you...
hang out with you...
hang out with you...
chill with you...
grab a cup of coffee with you...
Just as I make time to be with my friends,
help me plan to rendezvous with you each day
to get together with you, enjoy your company
and share with you my day's ups and downs...
When I get distracted in my prayer,
when I'm anxious or unsure, Lord,
give me the grace to remain with you,
to trust in you,
to know it's your desire
just to sit with me
and that in your company
and that in your company
- all shall be well...
Help me remember that you're always by my side,
always ready to take a break with me,
never in too much of a hurry
to stop everything and take some time
to spend with me, one on one...
I want to spend some time with you today, Lord:
to be with you and remain with you
in the stillness of prayer,
in the peace that only your presence can give...
in the peace that only your presence can give...
Remain with me, Lord,
and help me remain with you...
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