
Who is the Patron Saint of the Americas?

December 12 is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (patron saint of North and South America) who appeared to Cuauhtlatohuac (baptized:Juan Diego) a Mexican peasant, on whose tilma (cloak) there appeared an image on the Blessed Virgin as he had seen her in the vision.  Read more of Juan Diego's story here.

Designer Faith?

Back in the day (my own youth), a brand name on clothing was discretely and neatly tucked away inside a garment, out of sight.  Then it became fashionable to sport a little alligator or polo player right there for everyone to see - and thus began a flood of brand name logos. 

    Image source
Well, Saint Juan Diego was a man more than 5 centuries ahead of his time!  Or perhaps we should more directly and correctly credit Our Lady of Guadalupe for imprinting her designer image on Juan’s tilma or cloak, see below.  Today we can purchase t-shirts bearing a Guadalupe logo - or even have Juan Diago's vision tattooed on our bare skin.
More telling, of course, are the images I'm willing to have imprinted on my heart, the wellspring of my thoughts, words and deeds.  Faith assures me that I'm made in the image and likeness of our Creator.  My life’s work as a Christian is to curate the divine image in which I've been branded, shaped and molded. 

Others can easily read who crafted the clothing I wear. Just as easily should they be able to see, in my speech and deeds, the word and will of the Designer who called me into being, whose grace seeks to clothe my soul and style my life with the Gospel’s truth.

In prayer today, let's look to see how clearly Our Lady of Guadalupe’s beauty, purity and graciousness design and mark our hearts, letting the world see her Son’s image and blessing imprinted on our lives. 
Here's a beautiful prayer for today's feast, written by Danilo Mendoza Rugama, SJ at The Jesuit Post.
*Mi Morenita…
you who took our flesh 
   by appearing as a Native of the Americas,
you who heed our cry 
   during our darkest of moments,
you who appeared 
  accompanied with the signs of flowers 
   and the singing of birds, 
      announcing yourself as the mother of the Great Truth,
you who praise God through your dance,
you who brought not only a message, 
   but The Message was in your womb,
My Merciful Mother… 
thank you for being light in our darkest moments 
   and embracing us with your mantle of tenderness, 
thank you for wanting to carry us in your heart, 
   where we can also hear and be close 
      to the heart of your Son, 
thank you for accompanying us 
   as we labor in God’s vineyard 
when you tell us 
   as you told Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin: 
      "Am I not here, who am your Mother?
      Are you not under my shadow and protection?
      Am I not the source of your joy?
      Are you not in the hollow of my mandle,
          in the crossing of my arms?
      Do you need something more?"
             (Nican Mopohua, 119)

**Mi Madrecita Querida… 
help us obtain from your Son, 
   the grace to always put our gaze 
      where the dignity of our brothers and sisters
         is being violated;
help us obtain from your Son, 
   the grace to become messengers of The Truth 
      when so many lies try to blind us to suffering,
help our lives become a dance 
   that praises, reverences and serves God 
      with our whole beings. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

*Morenita is a term of endearment for a dark skinned woman 
** Madrecita Querida means "My dearest Mother"
And a song!
This lullaby (as beautiful as it is simple!) is sung in Juan Diego's 
native Nahuatl language.

Xicochi Conetzintle by Gaspar Fernandes (1566–1629

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Nahuatl language
Xicochi, xicochi,
Xicochi, xicochi
Xicochi conetzintle
Xicochi conetzintle
Ca omizhuihuixoco in angelosme
Ca omizhuihuixoco in angelosme
Ca omizhuihuixoco in angelosme
In angelosme in angelosme
Alleluya alleluya

English translation 
Sleep, sleep
Sleep, sleep
Sleep, precious baby
Sleep, precious baby
Indeed, the angels have come here 
   to rock you to sleep
Indeed, the angels have come here 
   to rock you to sleep
Indeed, the angels have come here 
   to rock you to sleep
Alleluia, alleluia





Need some comfort? Who doesn't!

I know I said I was taking a break, but... the first reading at mass this morning included some of my favorite words from scripture, "Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God..."  And I recalled a prayer I began writing in 2008 and which has expanded over 16 years to this present version...

Comfort my soul, Lord:
   comfort my heart, my mind 
       and my imagination...

Comfort me in my dreams, 
   in my fears and my worries, 
      in my memories 
         and in my hopes...  

Speak comfortably, Lord, 
   in my family, 
among my friends and neighbors, 
 among my colleagues at work,
   - among all the peoples of the world...

Speak comfortably 
  to the young and the old, 
and in the lives of the lonely 
   and brokenhearted, 
and in the brokenness of lives undone,       
     unhinged, unloved... 

Speak a word of comfort, Lord,
   to those who are confused and confounded,
   to those who struggle to accept  
     the challenges and problems    
         weighing so heavy on their thoughts...

Speak a word of comfort, Lord, 
  to those who find it hard to hope, 
     those who flirt with despair,
  to those who need a sign from you    
    and from those around them
  to kindle the fire of hope 
     within their hearts...

Speak a word of comfort, Lord,
  to those who need work
 and who live in fear 
    of not finding it...

Speak a word of comfort to the lonely, Lord, 
   to free their hearts 
      to open up to and receive 
          the company of those around them...
Speak a word of comfort 
  to the sick, Lord,
  to those in chronic pain  
     in mind and limb;
  be the kind Physician of their souls 
     to encourage and to heal them    
        with your Spirit...
Speak a word of comfort to the dying, Lord,
   and refresh their trust and hope 
      in you and in the life you promise,   
         life for ever...
Speak a word of comfort, Lord,
  to the grieving,
  to those whose losses 
    darken sunny days,
  those whose hearts still mourn
     in the midst of others' joy...
Speak a word of comfort 
to those who've been abandoned
   by the world, by the government, 
      by their neighbors 
         - and by me...
Speak comfortably, Lord,
  to those who feel abandoned 
     by the church: 
let your word of comfort heal,    
    console, challenge, and strengthen those
       left out and cast aside, 
let them find a welcome
       by our side and in our hearts...
Speak comfortably to your people, Lord: 
   may your voice level 
      their mountains of anxiety and fear,
   may your truth make straight the paths 
      of those who've lost their way, 
   and may your word make smooth 
       the rough and tumble places 
           where we stumble and we fall...

In the quiet of my prayer, Lord, 
   speak comfortably 
     in my heart and mind and soul...

Speak your word of comfort, Lord,
   and, taking it to heart,
let me speak a word of comfort
   to all I know and all I meet...

One of the most familiar numbers from Handel's Messiah is the tenor's  "Comfort Ye, My People."  Here are two versions: the first, a classical rendition and the second, more contemporary.

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Comfort ye my people, saith your God.  
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, 
and cry unto her, 
that her warfare is accomplished,  
that her iniquity is pardoned. 
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness,  
Prepare ye the way of the LORD, 
make straight in the desert 
a highway for our God.  






Time for...

I'm going to be busy and on the go for the next several days so my posting on my blog and on FaceBook will be less frequent than usual.  

When things have settled down, I'll be right back at it and walking with you through Advent to Christmas!





NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 12/9


On the church calendar, December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception but when the 8th falls on a Sunday in Advent, it is transferred to the following day, December 9.

Image: Michael McGrath
This "family portrait" shows us Anna and Joachim, parents of Mary (at the top of the image); and pictured in their embrace is Joseph with Mary and her son, Jesus; a dove nearby reminds us that Mary conceived Jesus of the Holy Spirit. Mary is venerated as the Immaculate Conception, she who was conceived immaculately, preserved from original sin, in the womb of her mother, Anna.

The preface prayer from the former Sacramentary offers us a short lesson in the theology of this day and provides us with our Pause for Prayer this evening.
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
   we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.
You allowed no stain of Adam’s sin
   to touch the Virgin Mary.
Full of grace,
   she was to be a worthy mother of your Son,
   your sign of favor to the Church at its beginning,
   and the promise of its perfection
   as the bride of Christ, radiant in beauty.
Purest of virgins, she was to bring forth your Son,
   the innocent lamb who takes away our sins.
You chose her from all women
   to be our advocate with you
   and our pattern of holiness.
In our joy we sing to your glory
   with all the choirs of angels:
      Holy, holy, holy!
    Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
        and watch over us while we sleep
    that awake, we might keep watch with Christ
        and asleep, rest in his peace...

Ave Maria by Schubert, 
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Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Not too many shopping days left ‘til your birthday, Lord…

Gotta start thinking about what to get
"for the God who has everything."

So, what can I give you?

What could you possibly want from me?

I know, I know!

What you want from me
are those things I hang on to, cling to,
the things I don’t, I won't let go of:
    the things, people and situations 

    that get in the way 
    between you and me...
So, for your birthday, Lord, 
I want to offer you
    (or at least try to offer you)
the things I know I need to let go...

Help me let go the ways
    I keep myself from your love for me,
the ways I run from the truth
    that you love me with no strings attached...

I offer you the times I downplay, deny 
and waste my gifts and talents:
    help me see how wonderful and unique
    is the person you made me to be,
    and help me believe you take delight in me...

Lord, help me let go my envy
    and all the ways I focus on what others have
    and all the times I forget how much you've given me…

Keep me from jealous thoughts
    and open my eyes to the treasures
        I have at my fingertips,
especially the treasure of your love

    and that of family and friends...

I offer you my tendency 

to take myself too seriously:
    give me a healthy sense of humor, Lord,
    and help me laugh at myself

    when I need to...

Help me out of my moody sulking, Lord;
when I banish myself to lonely places,
    draw me out of myself, into your arms

        and into the arms of others...

And help me let go, Lord,
of people and relationships 
that just aren't helpful or healthy for me:
    help me let go of folks who hold me back 
    and keep me from growing
        in faith, in hope and in love...
I offer you my better instincts, Lord,
    my graced intuitions,
the ones I so easily dismiss
    when I mistrust my own judgment:
give me courage to speak and to act
    on the truth I know and carry within…

I offer you the best of who I am,
    the person you created me to be,
the unique individual you knew and loved
    even before you knit me in my mother’s womb…

I offer you the unknown, untried, unused portions
    of my heart, my soul, my mind, my imagination:
make of me the person you intended, Lord,
    and use my life to touch others
        as others’ lives touch mine…

And, Lord, help me let go anything     
    that leads me to think I have nothing to offer
        or that what I have to offer isn't good enough:
let the light of your advent shine on me
    and on every gift you’ve given me, large and small
        - and especially the gift of your love…

I offer you anything and everything
    that keeps me from knowing
how much you love me, Lord
    and how precious I am in your eyes…

And, Lord – help me to find in others
    the goodness I know you see in them...

Such are the gifts I can offer you this Christmas, Lord:
    be patient with me 

        even if it takes me a whole new year
            to truly hand them over to you...

I know that you have everything, Lord

and there's nothing you really need from me:
    accept my little offerings, my gifts
        and my gratitude 

    that everything you've made and cherish 
        includes me, my soul, my heart and my life...





NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 12/8

On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass.  Tonight we reflect on a verse found in today's gospel: 
    "A voice of one crying out in the desert, 
         'Prepare the way of the Lord, 
             make straight his paths.'"
Your one voice calls me, Lord:
    you speak to my heart
    in all its dry and barren places,

    in the wilderness my life can sometimes be...
You call me by name
    to prepare a way for you
    who come to make of my desert
    a lush and blooming garden...

You call me to change,
    to change my desires, my habits, my ways:
    to clear a smooth path
    for you to come and make your home in me...

You call me to make peace
    where I am, where I live,
    where I work and where I play
    with all I meet and know,
    whose paths cross mine each day...

Of all the voices 'round me, Lord,
    help me hear your one voice calling me
    to make a way, a place for you to dwell
    deep within my soul this Christmastide...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch for you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


It's hard to believe that it's 34 years ago that I recorded the lead vocal on Rachel Burckardt's beautiful Advent song, One Voice.  This piece was included on the album, Gross Santa's Yuletide Favorities (which isn't as weird as it sounds!). Musicians for One Voice came from the Wood Harbor Ensemble and the choir of St. Ann University Parish in Boston where I served as a campus minister for Northeastern University and Emerson College from 1982-1991.

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Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 12/8

Teach me to watch, Lord:
    to stay awake,
    to keep vigil,
    to wait for you
    as the night waits for dawn...

Teach me to watch
    for your approach,
    your drawing near,
    your coming up alongside me
    - especially when I least expect you...

Teach me, Lord, to watch
    for your advent,
    your arrival,
    your appearing...

Teach me to watch
    for signs of your grace in my life,
    in the lives of those around me
    and in the whole of your creation...

Teach me to watch
    for the light of your word,
    for your hand upon my shoulder,
    for your healing touch,
    for your mysterious, elusive presence...

Teach me, Lord, to watch, 
    for your warm fingerprints
    on everything, everywhere I turn
    and especially on my heart... 
Teach me to watch for you
    when I think you've forgotten me,
    when it seems you've disappeared,
    when I've given up looking for you...

Teach me to watch
    with eyes of faith,
    with a hopeful heart,
    with a trusting spirit...

Teach me to watch for you, Lord,
for I know you're there:
    making yourself known,
    revealing yourself in so many ways,
    inviting me to desire you,
    prompting me to seek you,
    leading me to find you...

Teach me to watch for you 
who so faithfully watch over me: 
    night and day,
    never nodding, never blinking,
    moment to moment to moment...
Teach me to watch for you, Lord:
    for your arrival, your appearing,
    for your advent in my life,
    in my mind, my heart, my soul...


Watch Over Me by Aaron Shust
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I was lonely
You came waltzing over to me
And Your eyes they saw right through me
And You heard each one of my cries for help
And You came to rescue me
I was broken
Every prayer that I had spoken
Reached Your ears and all my tears weren't cried in vain
You carried all my pain
And put me back together again
You watch over me in the darkest valleys
You watch over me when the night seems long
You help me to see the way before me
You watch over me; You watch over me
Always faithful
To be leading, at this moment
Interceding for Your children
Though I've wandered astray from Your infinite ways
You've never left me alone 
Take this frozen heart; awaken me
Never once have You forsaken me
Take this frozen heart; awaken me
Never once have You forsaken me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will guide and defend me
You'll guard and protect me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will lead me home