
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 3/6

It's only the second day of Lent, Lord,
but I want to check in and pray
that you're making this journey with me...
I pray you'll be there, ready to meet me,
each and every time I come to you,
reach out to you in prayer.
Actually, I know you'll be there
so what I'm really praying for
is my openness to your presence
each time I call on your name...
And I pray you'll keep me faithful, Lord,
faithful to whatever plans I've made
to deny myself some creature comforts,
to fast from things that fill me up,
to abstain from what I just don't need
and to feast on all the goodness,
all the nourishment you offer
in your wisdom and your word...
And I pray you'll help me open my heart
(and my purse, my wallet and checkbook)
and help me hear the cry of the poor
and find some genuine hands-on ways
to touch and serve any whose needs
reach out for a share of my bounty... 

Be my partner this, Lent, my faithful companion,
my guide and my guard along the way;
be the light in my darkness,
my hope when I'm down, 
my healing in pain,
my strength when I'm weak,
and my refuge in fear...
Lent's only just begun, Lord,
so I'm just checking in,
just want to be sure,
that you're with me 
and will be right by my side,
through these holy, forty days... 
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

This is a different "Be with me, Lord" than the one you're probably familiar with but I think it's particularly apt for this evening's prayer in Lent...

Be With Me, Lord by Tom Booth
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March 7 is a FRIDAY in Lent


March 7 is a FRIDAY in LENT:
   - a day of abstinence.

What does that mean?  

On the Fridays of Lent 
Catholics over 14 years of age
are expected to abstain from eating meat.

For more on this topic, check out this earlier post...

Note: Individual, personal health concerns and "doctor's orders" always take precedence over regulations for fast and abstinence!





NIGHT PRAYER: Ash Wednesday

A glitch has resulted in some folks receiving this post twice - my apology!

Here's the Lenten pocket Cross I've been offering on my blog and on Facebook. (It's not too late to request one!)  It was at Jesus' last supper with his friends that he told them, "I am the way, the truth and the life."  Let's pray over those words this evening...

Lord Jesus, you are my way..
    yours is the path I want to follow,
    yours is the high road of wisdom and light,
    in your footsteps I want to walk,
    with you at my side my way is safe...
So, guide me, Lord:
    lest I chart a path of my own direction,     
    lest I take a shortcut and run from you,
    lest I stumble in darkness and lose my way,
    lest I follow anyone other than you...
Lord Jesus, you are my truth...
    yours alone is the word of truth,
    you are the Word of truth made flesh,
    your word is wise, pure and clear,
    your truth is my strength, my counsel and hope...
So speak your truth, Lord:
    when I'm tempted to lie,
    when I'm lost in confusion,
    when doubt haunts my choices,
    when your truth is my only way to peace...
Lord Jesus, you are my life...
    you're all that I need, desire and hope for,
    you're more than I merit, have earned or deserve,
    your life is pure gift, a blessing, my joy,
    your life beats faithfully, warm in my heart...
So, live in me, Lord:
    with your power, your fire and your Spirit,
    with your mercy cleansing my soul of sin,
    with your healing, making me whole,
    with your heart's desire that I should be one
        with you, my way, my truth and my life...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

The Way by Pat Barrett
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Homily for Ash Wednesday

 On Ash Wednesday I preached at a Liturgy of the Word intended for children of ALL ages!

If a video doesn't appear above, click here!





Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 3/6

I read this article in the New York Times back in 2012 and posted on it then and a couple times since.  Here it is again, in my latest version - because I think it's a great image for us to ponder and pray over at the beginning of Lent...

Living plants have been generated from the fruit of a small flower, the narrow-leafed campion, that died 32,000 years ago. The fruit was stored by an arctic ground squirrel in its burrow on the tundra of northeastern Siberia and lay permanently frozen until excavated by scientists a few years ago.  (New York Times 2/21/12)
If scientists were able to bring to bloom a plant that died some 30,000 years before the birth of Christ - Imagine... what God might do with you and with me - this Lent?
Lord, what will you thaw in my life this Lent,
    and bring to flower again?
Will you heal and mend my brokenness
    in these 40 days of Lent?
Will you help me at last to reconcile 
    with family and friends I'm at odds with?
Will you give me the strength 
    to break that habit 
        I've so often tried to conquer?
Will you lift me up and out of my sadness
    and give me the joy I long for?
Will you give me the grace to forgive myself
    and move forward with new found strength?
Will you give me courage to face my fears
    and to lean on the pledge of your presence?
Will you deepen my faith in your mercy, Lord,
    and forgive every one of my sins?
Will you help me to love 
    the folks I don't like?
Will you stand as a guard 
    at the door of my lips?
Will you give me wisdom 
    to make good choices?
Will you move me beyond
     my self-imposed limits?
Will you open my heart 
    to pray for my foes?
Will you fill my soul 
    with your Spirit's gifts?
Will you bless me in ways 
    I've not yet imagined?
You might, Lord, you can, 
    you could and you will 
        do all that I need and pray for 
    to find and be at peace with you, 
        with others - and with myself...
So I pray for the grace 
    to welcome you, Lord,
and to open myself to your plan and desire:
    to thaw and smooth
        my heart's cold edges,
    to bring back to life 
        what I thought was lost,
    to mend and heal
        my broken parts,
    to lead me, Lord,
        where I've feared to go,
    to give me the courage
        to speak and to act,
    to become the person
        you made me to be,
    to lift me up
        to new spirit and life, 
    to turn me around
        to new hope and direction,
    to flower and bloom
        once again, yes, again...
Nothing's beyond your power, Lord,
    so I pray for the help 
        to bend to your hand
as you draw from me
    a life I'd lost hope in
    gifts I've not opened,
and strength beyond 
    any I'd hoped for,
wisdom to see 
    and to know what's right
and the grace I need to come to peace
    with my neighbor, with you and myself...
Like that ancient seed,
    frozen long ago,
find me and bring to life, O Lord
    what's waiting to bloom in my soul...

And here's a scripture to help with today's prayer...
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. (Matthew 6:25-34)





NIGHT PRAYER: Ash Wednesday

Here's the Lenten pocket Cross I've been offering on my blog and on Facebook. (It's not too late to request one!)  It was at Jesus' last supper with his friends that he told them, "I am the way, the truth and the life."  Let's pray over those words this evening...

Lord Jesus, you are my way..
    yours is the path I want to follow,
    yours is the high road of wisdom and light,
    in your footsteps I want to walk,
    with you at my side my way is safe...
So, guide me, Lord:
    lest I chart a path of my own direction,     
    lest I take a shortcut and run from you,
    lest I stumble in darkness and lose my way,
    lest I follow anyone other than you...
Lord Jesus, you are my truth...
    yours alone is the word of truth,
    you are the Word of truth made flesh,
    your word is wise, pure and clear,
    your truth is my strength, my counsel and hope...
So speak your truth, Lord:
    when I'm tempted to lie,
    when I'm lost in confusion,
    when doubt haunts my choices,
    when your truth is my only way to peace...
Lord Jesus, you are my life...
    you're all that I need, desire and hope for,
    you're more than I merit, have earned or deserve,
    your life is pure gift, a blessing, my joy,
    your life beats faithfully, warm in my heart...
So, live in me, Lord:
    with your power, your fire and your Spirit,
    with your mercy cleansing my soul of sin,
    with your healing, making me whole,
    with your heart's desire that I should be one
        with you, my way, my truth and my life...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

The Way by Pat Barrett
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Pause for Prayer: ASH WEDNESDAY 3/5

Image source

The first day of spring 
    is still two weeks away
but beginning today, Ash Wednesday,
    a springtime of grace begins
        in purple and prayer, 
        in fasting and ashes,
        inviting us all to new life in Christ...
Help us remember, Lord, 
    that Lent is spring training
        for our minds, hearts and souls:
    time to strengthen what's weak
        and tone up what's gone soft;
    time to remember things we've forgotten,
    time to let go what we really don't need
        and to find what we truly need the most...

Help us remember, Lord,
that Lent is the grace of a new beginning: 
    a time for taking stock,
    a time to look within,
    a time to be honest 
        about our faults and failings,
    a time to ask for your pardon 
        and make amends,
    a time to fast 
        from what does us no good
    and to feast 
        on what nourishes body and soul;
Lent is a time, a season, a chance
    to set things right between you and us
        and any we've hurt or offended...
 Lent is a time to seek peace,
    a time to make peace,
    a time to live in peace,
    a time to be grateful for peace,
        the peace, Lord, that only you can give... 
Help me remember, Lord,
that Lent's a season of your grace: 
    a time to speak to you in prayer,
    a time to listen for your voice,
    a time to study your Word,
    a time to seek your truth and wisdom
    a time to live as you call us to live...

Help me remember, Lord,
that Lent's a time to be mercifully generous:
    a time for us to give more freely 
        of all we have to give,
    to give more and more
        of the bounty that's ours,
    a time to tend to our neighbor's needs,
    a time to reach out to the poor,
    a time to empty ourselves for others,
        not stopping to count the cost to me...

Lord, we're longing for the spring to come
    with its promise of light and new life
so help us begin, now, 
    to turn our hearts to you this Lent,
    for this springtime of your grace
        in our minds, our hearts and souls...





NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 3/4

Depending on when you read this, tomorrow or today is Ash Wednesday.

There was a time when Ash Wednesday would see hordes of people streaming into churches to be signed with an ashen cross on their foreheads. Folks who seldom or never went to church would not fail to show up on Ash Wednesday.

My contemporary experience, however, tells me that our Ash Wednesday numbers are often smaller than the regular weekend crowds - which have, themselves, dwindled in these post-Covid years.

Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation but it is a unique day on the church calendar and a powerful way to begin the Lenten season.
I heartily encourage you to make the time to get to church tomorrow to pray and  to be marked with ashes as we begin the season of Lent. The first step in any venture is always a significant one and Ash Wednesday is the starting line for the 40 days ahead of us.
Let us pray...
For the whole church
    as we begin our annual pilgrimage to Easter,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For a warm welcome
    to those who come back to church
        this Ash Wednesday 
            we pray to you, Lord...
For those longing 
    for a deeper faith and hope in God,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For those waiting to hear your voice
    in the scriptures and in their prayer,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For those who seek this Lent
    a healing in mind, body and spirit,
        we pray to you, Lord...
For all who pass this Lent
    in grief, in prison, in fear,
        in poverty, and in harm's way,
            we pray to you, Lord...
For hearts and minds open
    to all the gifts, blessings and grace
        you have in store for us this Lent,
            we pray to you, Lord... 

For all who are preparing this Lent
    for the Easter sacraments of
        baptism, confirmation and eucharist,
            we pray to you, Lord...
For the power of the Holy Spirit 
    to open our minds and hearts this Lent
        to all your blessings, gifts and grace,
            we pray to you, Lord...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Ashes to Ashes by Dan Schutte
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It's not too late!

To receive this year's Cross (free!) 
    - go to this link!

 It won't arrive before Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) but I'll mail you one as soon as I hear from you!




An hour of prayerful Lenten music

In my daily prayer posts I often use recordings by the Sunday 7pm Choir from Saint Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario in Canada.  

These fine musicians have compiled a YouTube video of Lenten music for our prayer in the holy season that begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday.

If a video doesn't appear above, click here!