
On Getting Away...

Well, I think I've found a half-way decent way around the slow Internet access - anyway, I'm giving it a try.

It strikes me, half way through my vacation time, that one of the reasons it's important to get away is not to escape the place you're getting away from, but rather to gain a different perspective on it. I know that's happening for me in these two weeks. Stepping outside the box of everyday life can give you a fresh look at your regular routine and prepare you not only for returning to it, but also for entering it in a new way, with refreshed energy, with a "new pair of eyes."

One parishioner has written to ask why I'm working on this blog while on vacation. The answer is simple: it's a joy to do it! I thoroughly enjoy choosing topics to post, working on writing them and finding illustrations to get them up on the blog. I'm also hoping that this will be a tool in the parish for better understanding life and ministry at Holy Family and in the church at large.

Well, I got this much done without AOL crashing on me! Better sign off before I lose my connection.


  1. I'm glad vacation is going well...that's an awesome ocean picture - I downloaded it for wallpaper. Enjoy the rest of your time!

  2. I agree tph, a most beautiful peaceful picture. Makes you want to get away...

  3. What a beautiful picture. Makes me wish I was sitting on the beach seeing it firsthand! There's nothing better then the feelings of peace you get from the simplicity and severity of the ocean.


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and PRAY before you think!