It was the earthiness of Pope John XXIII which appealed to so many people, Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Is there a danger in today's climate with so many demands of compliance from government and even church that we become so "professional" that we lose sight of the human persons involved? Does a whole variety of services guarantee that many people will not "fall between the cracks"? Do those of us in positions of leadership and authority remain close to people at the "grass-roots", ready to listen to their stories of pain, abuse and neglect? (Bishop Pat Power)
We have been following from a distance the news generated by Australian Bishops Pat Power and Geoffrey Robinson. Sotto Voce over at Clerical Whispers (sidebar) references a talk recently given by Bishop Power in which who spoke at some length of Bishop Robinson. A lengthy excerpt from that talk may be of interest to you. Of particular note is that Robinson has recently published what I suspect will be viewed as a controversial book, Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church. It's one thing for a retired bishop (Robinson) to be blunt in his critique of the Church. It's quite another thing for a current bishop (Power) to be so open in his support of such critical commentary. Amazon.com does not yet list Robinson's new book - I'm looking forward to reading it.
As one who has fallen through most all of the 'cracks' you could imagine, I appreciate your thoughtful posting. Only wish there were people out there who could/would somehow help. Going through the cracks for the last time, I think. Keep speaking out. It may save the next person.
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting me speak.
Dear Costume Lady: You are in my prayers... If you are local, be in touch, and if you're not, please reach out...